Analog and Digital Signal Generators with High Spectral Purity

A new series of spectrally pure signal generators with extremely low phase noise and flexible digital modulation capabilites for current and future communcations requirements
Analog and Digital Signal Generators with High Spectral Purity Hewlett-Packard Co. Santa Rosa, CA Due to the increasingly stringent requirements for communications channels, today's signal generators must have extremely low phase noise to determine if a device, component or subsystem meets test specifications. A new series of spectrally pure...
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Portable Spectrum Analyzers with a Five-minute Warm-up Time

A new portable spectrum analyzer series that utilizes a continuous, automatic alignment function to provide a warm-up time of only five minutes
Portable Spectrum Analyzers with a Five-minute Warm-up Time Hewlett-Packard Co. Santa Rosa, CA In the demanding world of wireless communications, engineers and technicians are faced with ever-increasing pressure to be efficient with their time. These individuals cannot afford to wait long periods for test equipment to warm up to...
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Increased Speed and Performance from an RF VNA

A fifth-generation vector network analyzer that is three- to five-times faster than the previous model is featured on this month's cover
Increased Speed and Performance from an RF VNA Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP), Microwave Instruments Division Santa Rosa, CA The introduction of the original model HP 8753A vector network analyzer (VNA) in 1986 marked the first offering of a compact VNA with an integrated synthesized source and comprehensive capabilities such as...
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A Battery-operated Microwave Counter with an Innovative Sampler Design

An easy-to-use portable microwave frequency counter with a capability for measurements to 20, 26.5 and 46 GHz
A Battery-operated Microwave Counter with an Innovative Sampler Design Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) Santa Clara, CA The 53150 series microwave counters are easy-to-use instruments that feature all the performance (sensitivity and FM tolerance) and functionality (frequency offset and power measurement) of a laboratory instrument and the durability and ruggedness to...
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An IC Characterization and Analysis Program Update

An update to the popular Integrated Circuit Characterization and Analysis Program for device modeling is featured on this month's cover
An IC Characterization and Analysis Program Update Version 5.0 of the HP Integrated Circuit Characterization and Analysis Program (IC-CAP) has been developed and is available currently. This update to the popular device modeling program features a new statistics module to help process engineers and circuit designers improve yields and...
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Latest HFSS Release Improves Speed and Accuracy

A high frequency structure simulator (HFSS) for three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation
Latest HFSS Release Improves Speed and Accuracy Hewlett-Packard Co., HP EEsof Division Westlake Village, CA Three-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic (EM) simulation software has been a valuable tool of high frequency circuit designers for some time. The benefits of simulating a circuit’s high frequency behavior on a computer prior to building...
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