White Papers

Comparative Study of an Open Waveguide: Application to Deconvolution of a Magnetic Probe in Near-Field Zone

We present here our work on deconvolution of a magnetic probe to measure electromagnetic emissions in near-field zone. To achieve this work, we have chosen a rectangular waveguide (WR90) as a radiating structure. Theoretical near-field is simulated using a FEM software (COMSOL) and also obtained by using a program based on transverse operator method (TOM) ,that lead to a very good field reconstruction after deconvolution due to its precision
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Finite Element Modeling of Electromagnetic Scattering for Microwave Breast Cancer Detection

Microwave tomography is an imaging modality which uses the contrast between the tissues. The high contrast between breast normal tissue and the malignant tissue makes the microwave imaging a proper option for breast cancer detection. In a typical microwave imaging problem, the breast is illuminated by the microwave antennas surrounding it. Forward model solves the underlying Helmholtz equation to achieve the electromagnetic fields at the location of receiving antennas. The predicted fields may be used in an iterative inversion algorithm to reconstruct the tumor and the other unknown boundaries.
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