Modelithics™ has completed the first phase of substrate-scalable models for Dielectric Laboratories' (DLI) Opti-cap®, Milli-cap®, Ultra High-Q and other surface-mounted capacitors. Modelithics is now distributing free S-parameters for the components from its Web site to the DLI landing page . Modelithics also announced the availability of new Global Models™ that represent entire families of components on all common substrate types and thicknesses. The models will be distributed and supported along with future releases of Modelithics CLR Library™ software, which adds high accuracy RF/microwave component models to EDA software tools like Agilent EEsof ADS, Applied Wave Research's Microwave Office, Eagleware GENESYS and Ansoft Designer.

"For new microwave product designs to include our growing stable of unique products, engineers increasingly are demanding models that accurately predict how our components will perform in their circuits," said Brian DuPell, DLI president. "Modelithics has unique technology that allows designs to be as accurate and predictable as possible, so that designers know exactly what they will get when they choose DLI components. It is my intention to expand on this initial library to include a broader range of our capacitors, filters, resonators and other custom ceramic components."

Larry Dunleavy, president of Modelithics, noted, "We're pleased to see that DLI recognizes the growing trend that RF engineers are learning to rely more and more upon simulations to shorten their design cycles. Our highly accurate measurement-based models greatly increase the usefulness of simulation software and enable first-run success of designs that incorporate components contained in our CLR Library of substrate-scalable capacitor, inductor and resistor models."