Pasternack has released a line of waveguide antennas covering 40 to 220 GHz, with 85 new models in waveguide sizes from WR5 to WR19. The antennas are available in standard gain horn, conical gain horn, wide angle scalar feed horn, horn lens and omnidirectional types, with nominal gains from 2 to 40 dBi depending on the antenna type. The standard gain and conical gain horn antennas are available with maximum frequency coverage to 220 GHz, while the wide angle scalar feed, horn lens and omnidirectional antennas cover up to 99 GHz.
As examples, the PEWAN1068 conical gain horn antenna with a WR5 interface covers 140 to 220 GHz and has 25 dBi nominal gain and a 3 dB beamwidth of 10 degrees vertical and 9 degrees horizontal. The typical input VSWR is 1.15:1. The PEWAN1086 horn lens antenna, with WR10 interface, covers 89 to 99 GHz with 40 dBi gain and a 3 dB beamwidth of 1 degree vertical and horizontal. The typical input VSWR is 1.5:1.
These waveguide antennas were developed to address a wide range of mmWave applications, including aerospace, defense, experimental radar, test & measurement, point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless, scientific and general R&D. All antennas in the series are constructed with the highest quality materials and workmanship standards and are RoHS and REACH compliant. Pasternack’s mmWave waveguide antennas are all in stock, available for immediate shipment with no minimum order quantity.
Irvine, Calif.