Indra has signed a framework agreement with Spain's Ministry of Defense for the maintenance of the satellite terminals of the Spanish Satellite Military Communications System (SECOMSAT). The agreement, for €17 M, awards the provision of these services exclusively to Indra for the next two years, extendable to two more years.
The satellite communications systems are employed by organs of the Ministry of Interior, the three branches of the army and the Military Emergency Unit. This maintenance and life cycle engineering service will be commissioned by the final users, that is, the different branches of the army and other bodies. The service will be customized to meet their needs and will comply with the requirements established in the contract.
Thanks to the exclusive provision of the services, costs can be reduced by means of synergies, economies of scale and availability of the equipment that is the responsibility of a single provider. Maintenance will be preventive (detection of possible failures in order to anticipate a response) and corrective in character. On the other hand, the engineering works are designed to extend service life.
The company has delivered and integrated terminals for surface ships and submarines, tactical, multi-band, and man-pack type terminals, which can be carried by a single person. It has also delivered several types of terminals for vehicles, which guarantee satellite communications among the terminals of deployed troops and with the command and control centre of the Unit.