Building on its position as the leading producer of gallium nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) RF devices, Nitronex has launched an initiative to educate the industry regarding the use of this unique technology. Nitronex’s new GaN Essentials™ education center provides visitors with a better understanding of how to evaluate performance of, and design with, GaN in RF power applications.

“As the leading worldwide GaN-on-Si supplier, our engineering, marketing and sales teams receive many inquiries concerning our GaN technology. We took the most common questions and developed a set of application notes that answer them,” said Ray Crampton, Nitronex director of marketing. “Evaluating and designing with a new technology can raise new questions and pose new challenges. The GaN Essentials collection is part of our efforts to make designing with GaN as easy as possible. We will continue to develop application notes and update the GaN Essentials education center to address the industry’s questions.”