Norden Millimeter

Company Profile

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Norden Millimeter is the leading worldwide provider of state-of-the-art microwave and millimeter wave products. Since 2001, we have developed frequency converters, frequency multipliers, RF amplifiers, and custom assemblies for military, commercial, and test applications.   Norden Millimeter compliments our robust manufacturing capabilities with world-class engineering and prototyping services. Norden specializes in the product development and manufacturing of custom millimeter wave hardware.  We offer low noise figure millimeter wave amplifiers and high output power millimeter-wave amplifier capabilities for all our products, including millimeter frequency multipliers, VCOs, and DRO assemblies. Our products currently cover the 0.5 to 110 GHz spectrum, and we’re always evaluating new technology to stay up to date with the latest needs.

Contact Information:

Contact: Uwe Meister
Phone: 530-719-4704


Norden Millimeter
5441 Merchant Circle Suite C
Placerville CA 95667
United States
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Norden Millimeter has an extensive catalog of precisely engineered frequency multipliers, with military, commercial and test applications.

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Multi-Function Modules

We can combine multiple up and/or downconverters, LO modules, LNA’s, power and cooling features into significantly smaller packages than these modules would require if build individually.

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Our products have become the industry’s top choice for RF transceivers, VPX transceivers, millimeter transceivers, and 3U transceivers.

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Our frequency converters are used across a wide range of applications, including commercial, military airborne, and shipboard applications. Our current line of products includes models that cover frequencies between 2GHz and 110GHz. 

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Custom Transceivers

Norden designs custom transceivers for military and commercial applications. They have “catalog” models which provide wideband RF and up to 1.5 GHz IF with low phase noise. 

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Frequency Multipliers

Norden Millimeter is a leader in the design and manufacture of frequency converters, transceivers, frequency multipliers and amplifiers operating in frequencies between 500 MHz to 110 GHz.

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Down Converter

Norden Millimeter’s down converter converts 26 to 50 GHz down to 4 to 18 GHz to extend the range of lower cost test equipment. Norden can add gain, inter-stage filtering and bypass switching stages to the custom assemblies.

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Block Up- and Down-Converters

Norden Millimeter has developed a new generation of broader bandwidth block up- and down-converters, developed to extend the frequency range of ELINT, COMINT, threat detection, interferometer and test systems. 

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Power Amplifiers: N16-5631 / Low Noise Amplifiers: N16-5619

Norden Millimeter is pleased to announce that our power amplifiers (N16-5631) and lownoise amplifiers (N16-5619) have been chosen to be included on Keysight’s 5G Application Note 5992-1326EN.  The N16-5631 and N16-5619 provide wide band frequency operation from 18 GHz to 44 GHz. 

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Frequency Up- and Down-Converters

Norden Millimeter is a leader in the manufacturing of frequency converters, transceivers, frequency multipliers and amplifiers operating in frequencies between 500 MHz to 110 GHz.  Norden supplies a wide range of frequency up- and down-converters which are used in EW and ELINT systems.

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