The following list is complete as of April 30, 2009.

2COMU -- 1644
3G Metalworx Inc. -- 1244
A-Alpha Waveguide Co. -- 2526
A.J. Tuck Co. -- 533
A1 Microwave Limited -- 233
Acceleware Corp. -- 2709
Accumet Engineering Corp. -- 948
Actipass R&M Co., Ltd. -- 225
AdTech Ceramics -- 1738
Advance Reproductions Corp. -- 1848
Advanced Control Components Inc. -- 1726
Advanced Microwave Components -- 2024
Advantage Business Media/Wireless Design -- 2320
Aeroflex Inc. -- 1428
Aethercomm Inc. -- 725
AF Datalink of America, LLC -- 714
Agilent Technologies -- 1407
AKON Inc. -- 1628
Aldetec, Inc. -- 1839
Allrizon-TG Communications Equipment -- 836
AMCAD Engineering -- 635
American Beryllia, Inc. -- 2809
American Microwave Corp. -- 1646
American Standard Circuits Inc. -- 444
American Technical Ceramics -- 1324
Ametek HCC Industries -- 1840
AML Communications Inc. -- 2430
Amplifier Solutions Corp. -- 418
AmpliTech Inc. -- 607
Analog Devices Inc. -- 2030
AnaPico AG -- 2542
Anaren, Inc. -- 2037
Anatech Electronics, Inc. -- 2242
Anoison Electronics, Ltd. -- 209
Anritsu Co. -- 2718
Ansoft, LLC -- 2207
Antcom Corp. -- 1304
Antenna Magus -- 204
Antenna Research Associates-ARA Inc. -- 315
Antenna Systems & Technology Magazine -- 2738
APA Wireless Technologies -- 126
Apollo Microwaves Ltd. -- 1635
Applied Radar, Inc. -- 1536
Applied Thin-Film Products -- 1841
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation -- 1912
ARC Technologies, Inc. -- 837
Arlon Tech. Enabling Innovation -- 1745
Artech House -- 2613
Artek, Ink. -- 109
ASB Inc. -- 629
Assemblies Inc. -- 2424
Astrolab Inc. -- 1633
AT Wall Company -- 604
ATTEN Microwave Components Co., Ltd. -- 835
Auriga Measurement Systems, LLC. -- 1811
Aurora Software & Testing SL -- 2741
Avago Technologies -- 1215
Averna -- 1813
Avnet Electronics Marketing -- 2227
AWR Corp. -- 1418
AWT Co., Ltd. -- 2734
B&Z Technologies -- 530
Barry Industries, Inc. -- 2831
Besser Associates, Inc. -- 1113
Bliley Technologies Inc. -- 2921
Bonding Source -- 536
Boonton (Wireless Telecom Group) -- 1615
Bowei Integrated Circuits Co., Ltd. -- 2639
Brush Ceramic Products -- 1942
C W Swift & Associates, Inc. -- 2524
C-Tech Co., Ltd. -- 2323
CAD Design Software -- 2934
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. -- 2815
Cambridge University Press -- 307
CAP Wireless Inc. -- 930
CapeSym, Inc. -- 133
Carlisle Interconnect Technologies -- 1910
Cascade Microtech, Inc. -- 1307
Centellax, Inc. -- 2123
Centerline Technologies, LLC -- 1945
Century Seals Inc. -- 1045
Cernex Inc. -- 2348
Channel Microwave Corp. -- 1739
Charter Engineering, Inc. -- 1348
Chengdu AINFO Inc. -- 211
Christian Doppler Laboratory -- 325
Ciao Wireless, Inc. -- 1414
Cirexx International Inc. -- 2246
Cobham DES -- 1218
Coilcraft Inc. -- 2433
Coining, Inc. -- 2240
Coleman Microwave Co. -- 131
Colorado Microcircuits -- 2812
COM DEV Ltd. -- 1310
Communications & Power Industries -- 1226
Compex Corp. -- 833
Component Distributors Inc. -- 818
COMSOL Inc. -- 111
Connecticut Microwaves Corp. -- 2834
Connectronics, Inc. -- 2042
Constant Wave, Inc. -- 105
Corning Gilbert, Inc. -- 2607
Corry Micronics -- 2324
CORWIL Technology Corp. -- 2247
Crane Aerospace & Electronics -- 1141
Crane Polyflon -- 1140
Cree, Inc. -- 2418
Cristek Interconnects, Inc. -- 1838
Crystek Corp. -- 313
CST of America Inc. -- 2013
CTT Inc. -- 2627
Cuming Microwave Corp. -- 2349
Custom Cable Assemblies, Inc. -- 737
Custom Interconnects -- 1829
Custom Microwave Components Inc. -- 534
Daa-Sheen Technology Co., Ltd. -- 2628
dBm -- 1440
Delta Electronics Mfg. Corp. -- 1433
Delta Microwave -- 2344
Design Workshop Technologies Inc. -- 212
DeWeyl Tool Company, Inc. -- 1024
Diablo Industries Thin Film -- 1735
Diamond Antenna & Microwave Corp. -- 627
Dielectric Laboratories Inc. -- 810
Diemat, Inc. -- 1144
DiTom Microwave Inc. -- 2107
Dorado International Corp. -- 2111
DowKey Microwave Corp. -- 712
Ducommun Technologies Inc. -- 2711
Dyconex AG -- 208
Dynawave Inc. -- 1728
E2v -- 411
EADS North America -- 2638
Eagle Comtronics, Inc. -- 634
Eclipse Microwave, Inc. -- 2108
Elcom Technologies Inc. -- 1540
Electro Rent Corp. -- 1515
ElectroMagneticWorks Inc. -- 2604
EM Research Inc. -- 2633
EMAG Technologies Inc. -- 2233
EMCO Elektronik GmbH -- 325
Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products -- 2336
Emerson Connectivity Solutions -- 2203
Empower RF Systems -- 1037
Endicott Interconnect Technologies, Inc. -- 2044
Endwave Corp. -- 909
Epoch Microelectronics, Inc. -- 2537
Equipment Management Technology -- 2425
ET Industries -- 1730
ETL Systems -- 2047
ETS-Lindgren -- 1312
Eudyna Devices Inc. -- 826
EuMW2009 -- 2612
Excelics Semiconductor Inc. -- 1021
EZ Form Cable Corp. -- 1338
F&K Delvotec, Inc. -- 438
Farran Technology Ltd. -- 2238
FCT Electronics -- 1344
FEKO -- 108
Ferrite Co., The -- 1815
Ferro-Ceramic Grinding -- 942
Filtel Microwave Inc. -- 1124
Flann Microwave -- 639
Flexco Microwave Inc. -- 621
Florida RF Labs Inc. -- 1933
Focus Microwaves Inc. -- 2141
Fotofab -- 724
Freescale Semiconductor -- 2018
FTG Corp. -- 404
FujiFilm Dimatix, Inc. -- 408
FutureComm Co., Ltd. -- 823
G-Way Microwave/G-Wave Inc. -- 1148
G.T. Microwave Inc. -- 814
Gel-Pak / Quik-Pak -- 2541
General Dynamics Satcom Technology -- 2536
Georgia Electronic Design Center -- 2644
Gerotron Communication GmbH --
Gerotron Communication GmbH --
Gerotron Communication GmbH -- 325
GGB Industries Inc. -- 1033
Giga-Tronics Inc. -- 1121
GigaLane Co. Ltd. -- 1929
Global Communication Semiconductors -- 430
GNI Microwave Co., Ltd. -- 2346
Gowanda Electronics -- 1239
Greenray Industries Inc. -- 2540
GuangShun Electronic Tech. Research Inst. -- 1046
H Rollet -- 145
Harbour Industries, Inc. -- 613
HEI Inc. -- 947
Helic S.A. -- 2805
Herley Industries -- 1907
Herotek Inc. -- 1237
Hesse & Knipps Inc. -- 1241
High Frequency Electronics -- 1438
Hirai SK Corp. -- 2436
Historical Booth -- 1447
Hittite Microwave Corp. -- 1007
Holzworth Instrumentation Inc. -- 504
HTMicrowave Co., Ltd. -- 2440
Huada Intl. Electronics & Technology -- 844
HUBER+SUHNER, Inc. -- 2833
HVVi Semiconductors Inc. -- 435
HXI, LLC -- 2322
IEEE Microwave Magazine -- 716
IHP GmbH -- 539
IKE Micro -- 535
Impellimax -- 1149
IMST GmbH -- 2236
In-Phase Technologies -- 1713
Infineon Technologies -- 2803
Innertron, Inc. -- 2427
Innovative Fabrication -- 304
Innovative Micro Technology -- 2249
Instek America Corp. -- 2728
Instruments For Industry (IFI) -- 1209
Integra Technologies Inc. -- 2737
Integrand Software, Inc. -- 2739
International Manufacturing Services -- 913
Ion Beam Milling, Inc. -- 616
Isotec Corp. -- 622
ITF Co., Ltd. -- 723
ITT Corp. -- 1630
IW Inc. -- 2025
J & E Precision Tool, Inc. -- 1946
J MicroTechnology, Inc. -- 914
Jazz Semiconductor -- 2642
Jersey Microwave, LLC. -- 410
JFW Industries, Inc. -- 1626
Johanson Manufacturing Corp. -- 1016
Johanson Technology Inc. -- 726
JQL Electronics Inc. -- 1326
JRE Test, LLC. -- 1145
Junper Interconnection Inc. -- 822
Jye Bao Co., Ltd. -- 730
K&L Microwave Inc. -- 707
Keithley Instruments, Inc. -- 2808
Keragis Group -- 2110
KMIC Technology Inc. -- 1025
Krytar Inc. -- 821
Kyocera America, Inc. -- 1125
L Gordon Packaging -- 1245
L-3 Communications -- 1537, 1637
L-3 Electron Devices -- 1537, 1637
L-3 Electron Technologies, Inc. -- 1537, 1637
L-3 Narda Safety Test Solutions -- 1537, 1637
Labtech Ltd. -- 2239
LadyBug Technologies LLC -- 2727
Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc. -- 512
Lanjian Electronics Co., Ltd. -- 537
Lansdale Semiconductor Inc. -- 1246
Lark Engineering Co. -- 1442
Laser Process Mfg. Inc. -- 1040
Laser Processing Technology, Inc. -- 2731
Laser Services Inc. -- 1542
Laserod, Inc. -- 2352
Linearizer Technology, Inc. -- 544
Lintek Pty Ltd. -- 1444
LNX Corp. -- 2339
Logus Microwave Corp. -- 333
Lorch Microwave -- 1233
Lorentz Solutions, Inc. -- 2252
LPKF Laser & Electronics -- 541
M/A-COM Technology Solutions -- 2214
M2 Global Technology Ltd. -- 1213
Marcel Electronics International -- 2350
Maury Microwave Corp. -- 1807
Maxtek Components Corp. -- 2624
McGraw-Hill Professional -- 2807
MECA Electronics, Inc. -- 1204
Mega Circuit Inc. -- 2437
MegaPhase RFMW Cable -- 511
Meggitt Safety Systems, Inc. -- 1733
Merix Corp. -- 815
Merrimac Industries Inc. -- 1623
MESL Microwave Ltd. -- 330
Mesuro -- 2624
Metropole Products Inc. -- 2009
Mician GmbH -- 1224
Micreo Limited -- 1544
Micro Communication Inc. -- 2814
Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc. -- 2318
Micro-Chem -- 213
Micro-Coax Inc. -- 2822
Micro-Mode Products Inc. -- 125
MicroApps -- 1601
MicroFab Inc. -- 1048
Microlab (Wireless Telecom Group) -- 1615
Micronetics Inc. -- 2341, 2441
Microphase Corp. -- 1023
Microsemi Corp. -- 1925
Microsorb Technologies Inc. -- 2828
Microtech, Inc. -- 2827
Microwave Applications Group -- 1336
Microwave Circuits, Inc. -- 2109
Microwave Communications Labs, Inc. -- 2033
Microwave Development Labs Inc. -- 924
Microwave Dynamics -- 2010
Microwave Engineering Corp. -- 608
Microwave Engineering Europe -- 2325
Microwave Filter Co., Inc. -- 1514
Microwave Journal -- 2615
Microwave Technology, Inc. -- 327
Microwavefilters S.R.L -- 112
MIG-Microwave Innovation Group -- 1207
Millitech, Inc. -- 2230
Mimix Broadband -- 1114
Mini-Circuits -- 618
Mini-Systems Inc. -- 824
MITEQ, Inc. -- 2121, 2221
Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics -- 1422
Modelithics, Inc. -- 1309
Modular Components National -- 1122
Molex -- 721
Mosis -- 437
MPDevice Co., Ltd. -- 644
MtronPTI -- 407
Municom GmbH -- 325
Murata Electronics -- 2223
NaF Technology Corp. -- 2810
Nagase America Corp. -- 2338
Nanjing Jiexi Technologies Co., Ltd. -- 636
Nanowave -- 1944
Narda Microwave West -- 1537, 1637
Natel Engineering Co., Inc. -- 106
National Instruments -- 1845
National Reconnaissance Office -- 1947
NAVICP -- 949
NDK -- 2721
Netcom Inc. -- 1714
Networks International Corp. (NIC) -- 2631
Nitronex Corp. -- 1736
Noisecom (Wireless Telecom Group) -- 1615
NoiseWave Corp. -- 2813
Norden Millimeter Inc. -- 834
Northeast Electronics Corp. -- 1441
NSI -- 1613
NTK Technologies, Inc. -- 521
Nuvotronics, LLC -- 113
NuWaves Engineering -- 114
NXP Semiconductors -- 2403
Octagon Communications -- 1614
OEwaves Inc. -- 2439
OMMIC -- 115
Oneida Research Services, Inc. -- 2640
OPHIR RF Inc. -- 328
Orient Microwave Corp. -- 1435
P/M Industries Inc. -- 1339
P1dB, Inc. -- 418
PA&E -- 1827
Paratek, Inc. -- 735
Partron Co. Ltd. -- 2148
Pascall Electronics Ltd. -- 421
Passive Microwave Technology, Inc. -- 2218
Passive Plus Inc. -- 2435
PedaSoft LLC. -- 2647
Pendulum Instruments, Inc. -- 2730
Penn Engineering Components, Inc. -- 2535
Penton Media -- 1229
Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. -- 1822
Phase Matrix Inc. -- 523
Phoenix Company Of Chicago, The -- 1535
Piconics Inc. -- 312
Planar Monolithics Industries, Inc. --
Plextek Ltd. -- 2431
Pole/Zero Corp. -- 711
Polyfet RF Devices -- 344
Ponn Machine Cutting Company, Inc. -- 839
Poseidon Scientific Instruments -- 2321
Precision Connector, Inc. -- 842
Precision Ferrites & Ceramic Inc. -- 1847
Precision Photo-Fab, Inc. -- 1035
Presidio Components Inc. -- 2131
Prewell Corp. -- 1939
Pulsar Microwave Corp. -- 946
Q Microwave, Inc. -- 933
Q-par Angus Ltd. -- 244
Q3 Laboratory -- 433
Quest Microwave Inc. -- 2218
Questech Services Corp. -- 612
QuinStar Technology Inc. -- 441
R&D Microwaves LLC -- 440
R&K Company Ltd. -- 829
R-Theta Thermal Solutions Inc. -- 513
Radant MEMS, Inc. -- 846
Radiall-AEP -- 625
Reactel Inc. -- 1504
Reinhardt Microtech AG -- 1248
RelComm Technologies Inc. -- 1337
Remcom Inc. -- 2622
Remtec, Inc. -- 611
Resin Systems Corp. -- 1228
Response Microwave Inc. -- 2125
RF Depot Inc. -- 2007
RF Globalnet -- 1641
RF Industries RF Connectors Div. -- 633
RF Logic -- 841
RF Morecom -- 1844
RFcore Co., Ltd. -- 2237
RFHIC Corp. -- 738
RFMD -- 2412
RFMW, Ltd. -- 418
RFS Ferrocom Ferrite Division -- 845
RH Laboratories Inc. -- 804
Richardson Electronics -- 1830
RIV Inc. -- 1041
RJR Polymers Inc. -- 831
RLC Electronics Inc. -- 2610
Rogers Corp. -- 1018
Rohde & Schwarz Inc. -- 2407
Rojone Pty. Ltd. -- 1444
Rosenberger North America LLC -- 1715
Roswin, Inc. -- 944
Roth & Rau AG -- 2244
RTx Technology Co., Ltd. -- 1404
Sage Laboratories Inc. -- 937
Sainty-Tech Communications Ltd. -- 1345
Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co. -- 2444
San-tron Inc. -- 733
Sangshin Elecom Co., Ltd. -- 418
Sawnics Inc. -- 2528
Scientific Microwave Corp. -- 439
SciTech Publishing Inc. -- 2713
SEI -- 1426
Semi Dice Inc. -- 1836
SGMC Microwave -- 1533
Shadow Technologies, Inc. -- 744
Shenzhen Sinte Technology Co., Ltd. -- 522
Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. -- 345
Sigma Systems Corp. -- 2021
Signatone (Lucas/Signatone) -- 830
Sinclair Manufacturing Co. -- 2637
SIPAT (CETC-26) -- 2149
Skyworks Solutions, Inc. -- 1818
Sonnet Software Inc. -- 1002
Sonoma Scientific, Inc. -- 231
Soshin Electric Co., Ltd. -- 1941
Southwest Microwave Inc. -- 1133
Spectrum Elektrotechnik GmbH -- 2218
Spectrum Microwave Inc. -- 2529
Spinner Atlanta -- 1049
Sprague-Goodman Electronics Inc. -- 2347
SRI Connector Gage Company -- 1935
SRI Hermetics --
SRI Hermetics -- 1935
SSI Cable Corp. -- 1834
State Of The Art Inc. -- 2129
Stellar Industries Corp. -- 1042
Stellar Microelectronics -- 507
StratEdge Corp. -- 1011
Summitek Instruments Inc. -- 1513
Sunwave Communication Co., Ltd. -- 1835
SUNWAVETEC Co., Ltd. -- 1849
Superior Technical Ceramics Corp. -- 940
Suron ACA Ltd. -- 2140
SUSS Microtec Inc. -- 907
Suzhou New ChengShi Electronics Co., Ltd. -- 1938
SV Microwave Inc. -- 2707
Synergy Microwave Corp. -- 1111, 1211
Synopsys, Inc. -- 1930
T-Tech Inc. -- 1313
Taconic -- 2337
Tactron Elektronik oHG -- 325
Tahoe RF Semiconductor, Inc. -- 2733
TDK-Lambda Americas -- 2930
Tecdia Inc. -- 912
Techmaster Electronics, Inc. -- 545
Technical Research & Manufacturing -- 1044
Technical Services Laboratory Inc. -- 1837
Tegam, Inc. -- 413
Tektronix Inc. -- 2624
Teledyne Coax Switches -- 1028
Teledyne Cougar -- 1028
Teledyne Defence Limited -- 1028
Teledyne MEC -- 1028
Teledyne Microelectronics -- 1028
Teledyne Microwave -- 1028
Teledyne Relays -- 1028
Teledyne Scientific Company -- 1028
Teledyne Storm Products -- 614
Teledyne Technologies -- 1028
Telegartner, Inc. -- 610
Telogy -- 1238
Temp-Flex Cable Inc. -- 2830
TestEquity LLC -- 2609
Thales Components Corp. -- 1012
Thermacore, Inc. -- 2351
THINFILMS Inc. -- 2147
Thunderline Z -- 2203
Times Microwave Systems -- 308
TMD Technologies Ltd. -- 2714
Toshiba America Electronic Cmpts. -- 623
TRAK Microwave Corp. -- 2027
Trans-Tech -- 1818
Transcom Inc. -- 1346
Trilithic Inc. -- 1833
TriQuint Semiconductor -- 1618
Tronser Inc. -- 731
TRS-RenTelco -- 1413
TRU Corporation Inc. -- 937
TT Electronics -- 630
TTE Inc. -- 423
UBE Industries, Ltd. -- 2527
UltraSource Inc. -- 1825
UMS (United Monolithic Semiconductors) -- 1013
University Booth -- 851
UTE Microwave Inc. -- 510
Validus Technologies LLC -- 1541
Valpey Fisher Corp. -- 2104
Vectron International -- 807
Verspecht-Teyssier-Degroote -- 2245
VIDA Products, Inc. -- 2525
Virginia Diodes Inc. -- 207
Vishay Intertechnology -- 2522
Voltronics Corp. -- 813
W.L. Gore & Associates -- 1415
Wave-Tech Inc. -- 1146
Wavenics, Inc. -- 2811
Weinschel Associates -- 840
Wenzel Associates Inc. -- 2040
Werlatone Inc. -- 729
West Bond Inc. -- 915
Wevercomm -- 540
Wiley -- 2715
Williams Advanced Materials Inc. -- 2539
WIN Semiconductor Corp. -- 921
WIPL-D D.O.O. -- 923
Wireless Telecom Group -- 1615
Xi'an Forstar S&T Co., Ltd. -- 1327
Xi'an HengDa Microwave Tech. Dev. Co. -- 434
XMA Corp. -- 144
YaGuang Electronics Co., Ltd. -- 235
Yangzhou Jingcheng Electronics Co., Ltd. -- 1744
YanTat Group -- 431
Z-Communications, Inc. -- 609
Zeeteq Electronics Ltd. -- 1645
Zeland Software, Inc. -- 2533
Zentrix Technologies -- 326
ZIFOR Enterprise Co. Ltd. -- 1937