Planar Microwave Engineering: A Practical Guide to Theory, Measurements and Circuits
Thomas H. Lee.
Cambridge University Press
880 pages; $75
ISBN: 0-521-83526-7
This book covers everything one needs to know to design, build and test a high frequency circuit. Chapter 1 provides a short history of RF and microwave circuits. Chapter 2 introduces some definitions and basic concepts. Chapter 3 provides a brief introduction to the Smith chart and S-parameters, which are staples of classical microwave design. Chapter 4 presents a number of impedance matching methods along with a brief explanation of the Bode-Fano limit. Chapter 5 surveys a number of popular connectors, their domain of application and the proper ways to care for them. Cables and their characteristics are discussed as well. Chapter 6 examines the characteristics of lumped passive elements at microwave frequencies. Simple circuit models are presented. Chapter 7 introduces the most common way of building microwave circuits: microstrip. Chapter 8 presents several methods for making impedance measurements, ranging from time-domain reflectometry to vector network analysis. Chapter 9 is devoted to microwave diodes, following which Chapter 10 describes numerous mixers. Chapter 11 presents a survey of the many types of transistors that have been developed until now. Chapter 12 considers how to squeeze the most out of whatever transistor technology is used. Chapter 13 discusses noise models and presents the theory of noise matching. Chapter 14 describes the principles underlying noise figure measurements. Chapter 15 describes how to produce controlled instability to build oscillators, while frequency synthesizers are the subject of Chapter 16. Chapter 17 analyzes the important subject of phase noise, where it comes from and how to reduce it. Chapter 18 describes phase noise measurement methods. Chapter 19 describes spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes and probes. Chapter 20 presents numerous ways to implement power amplifiers at RF and microwave frequencies. Chapter 21 shows how to get power into and out of the air, with emphasis on microstrip antennas. Finally, Chapters 22 and 23 focus on the design of passive filters.
To order this book, contact: Cambridge University Press, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, or The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU UK
Digital Filter Design Solutions
Jolyon M. de Freitas
Artech House
482 pages, plus CD-ROM; $129, £79
ISBN: 1-58053-759-6
This collection of predesigned linear phase digital filters has been prepared to serve the category of users whose research or development applications require some form of digital filtering, but do not have the time to explore the very wide range of digital filter design techniques available. The aim of this working handbook, therefore, is to provide a collection of digital filters whose characteristics can be quickly determined, compared and applied immediately, avoiding the sometimes intricate design process. In Chapter 2, a description is given of how the filters presented were designed. Some basic implementation algorithms are described. Chapters 3 to 5 give the filter coefficients as well as their performance features in a data sheet format. Each filter is treated as an individual product with its associated data sheet. Some preliminary material is given at the beginning of each chapter that provides information on terminology and definition of terms used to characterize the filters. The preliminary material in Chapter 3 (Low Pass Filters) contains discussions that are largely applicable to the other two chapters. As such, the introductory material in Chapters 4 (High Pass Filters) and 5 (Bandpass Filters) are short as they are unique to their description and characterization. Chapter 6 provides coefficients for first- and second-order differentiating filters and shows how to manage the noise and avoid its amplification. Again, the coefficients are viewed as individual products with specific properties. The limitations of their use are also discussed. Chapter 7 (Hilbert Transformers) is very different from any of the other chapters. It gives the Hilbert coefficients, but within the context of FM/PM demodulation. Complementing the book, a CD-ROM is included, which contains an archive of filter coefficients and design functions written in MATLAB.™