The newly released NI AWR Design Environment V14 will be showcased within NI Booth #101 during European Microwave Week (EuMW) 2018, being held September 23-28 in Madrid. Additional activities will also highlight NI AWR software, including:

Booth #101 Demonstrations

  • NI AWR Design Environment V14, Inclusive of Microwave Office, Visual System Simulator™ (VSS), and AXIEM and Analyst™ electromagnetic (EM) software
  • AntSyn™ software for antenna design, synthesis and optimization
  • Cadence Virtuoso RF solution featuring AXIEM 3D planar EM integration 

MicroApps Presentations

  • Utilizing Network Synthesis to Streamline PA Design Flows: September 26 | 4:30 p.m. | MicroApps Theater
  • Design Flow Integration for Advanced Multi-Chip RF: September 27 | 11:30 a.m. | MicroApps Theater

Short Courses

  • Multiband Chip Antenna Design: September 25 | 9:30 a.m. | Room A9.8
  • Graduate Student Design Competition: Transceiver Design : September 25 | Exhibition Hall


  • Filter Design: September 25 | 12:00 p.m. | Room A9.8
  • RF/Microwave Power Amplifiers (PA): September 26 | 10:00 a.m. | Room A9.8

In addition to these activities, partner solutions are also being showcased in the NI Booth #101 Partner Lounge and include Focus Microwaves, Optenni, Premix, WIPL-D and Wolfspeed (a Cree Company).