Custom MMIC, a leading developer of performance driven monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), has added two GaAs MMIC switches to its expanding product offerings, the non-reflective CMD234C4 and CMD235C4.
The CMD234C4 is a DC-18 GHz broadband MMIC SP3T switch featuring a low insertion loss of 2.4 dB and a high isolation of 40dB at 10 GHz. The CMD235C4 is a DC-18 GHz broadband MMIC SP5T switch offering broadband performance with an insertion loss of 2.5dB and high port-to-port isolation of 40dB at 10 GHz. Ideally suited for high performance military and instrumentation applications, both switches provide a switching speed of 66 ns and an input P1dB of 21 dBm.
These switches feature binary decoder circuitry that reduces the number of logic control lines, from three to two for the SP3T and from five to three for the SP5T. The control voltages for both switches are 0/-5V. Both MMICs are housed in a ROHS compliant 4x4 mm surface mount package.
Visit the Custom MMIC Product Library to download a full datasheet on the CMD235C4 and CMD234C4.