Articles Tagged with ''AtlanTecRF''

Two Microwave Detectors

Schottky Detectors BZD AtlanTecRF ePR

AtlanTecRF has two models of Zero Bias Schottky Detectors with high sensitivity and a wide operating temperature range. The first two frequency ranges offered are 10 MHz to 18 GHz and 2.0 to 8.0 GHz, both with sensitivity of 500 mV/mW and TSS of -50 dBm. Flatness over the 10 MHz to 18 GHz frequency band is +/-1.25 dB max and VSWR for each unit is 2.0:1.

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Miniature Frequency Synthesisers

Mini-Synthesiser-redgold-ePR[1]The new range of single phase-locked loop frequency synthesisers from AtlanTecRF exhibit excellent performance in terms of electrical specification and versatility. Their miniature size ensures they are highly suitable for many applications in communications, radar and test instrumentation.

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