RF & Microwave Industry News

A Simulation Builder for Versatile Framework Integration

Introduction to a versatile simulation builder designed to integrate industry-strength simulation technology with external design frameworks
As the complexity of wireless systems grows and requirements become more demanding, the task facing analog/RF engineers is not getting any easier. In today's rapid-paced working environment, time-to-market demands accurate and fast results from device simulations. To meet these demands for the effective management and analysis of design data...
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A Revolution in the Time Domain

A new modeling and design package for time domain software is featured on this month's cover
CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® Version 4 (CST MWS) is a major new release of the company's flagship 3D EM microwave modeling and design package. Over 1400 changes, enhancements and new features have been added to make this already powerful tool truly comprehensive and an invaluable resource. The microwave design engineer...
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The Receiver Noise Equation: A Method for System Level Design of an RF Receiver

Introduction to a new equation used to simplify the system level design of an RF receiver
Noise is a limiting factor for sensitive reception. In recent communication receivers, noise, along with many external factors, including intermodulation, reciprocal mixing and spurious response, may disturb the sensitive reception of the desired signal. Thus, much consideration for the noise and other factors that disturb the signal reception and...
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Design of a Generic 2.5 W, 60 Percent Bandwidth, C-band MMIC Amplifier

Description of the design and test data of a generic 2.5 W, two-stage, C-band MMIC power amplifier
During the past decade, there has been significant progress in monolithic power amplifiers operating at RF and microwave frequencies over narrow and broadbands for both commercial and military applications. For numerous applications, including handsets, VSAT and transmit/receive modules, these amplifiers are produced in large quantities using MESFET, HBT and...
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A Seattle Surprise: IMS 2002

Neither a struggling national economy nor a slumping microwave industry could dampen the spirits of an unexpectedly large and upbeat crowd at the 2002 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) and Exhibition held June 2 to 7 in Seattle, WA
A surprising number of our associates found their way to Seattle, WA, this year and were rewarded with an unexpectedly upbeat IMS 2002. This year's Microwave Week was blessed with unusually good weather and an attendance that came close to last year's record in Phoenix. Just over 11,000 attendees...
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Business Broadband Competition Will Drive Prices Down

Deregulation and privatization has created unprecedented competition in the worldwide telecommunication market. This climate of increased competition has meant that service providers must introduce new, more sophisticated and user-friendly services at an accelerated pace, while not compromising traditional telecommunications service quality. These needs have prompted many telecommunications service providers...
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Signal Technology Awarded Homeland Security Electronics Contracts

Signal Technology Corp. announced the receipt of two contracts awards for the production of highly sophisticated electronics designed for the federal government's emerging Homeland Security Initiative. Signal Technology's UHF/VHF and video antenna switch matrix products were selected to provide multi-path signal frequency steering by a contractor developing wireless communications...
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