NMDG featured a large signal network analyser (LSNA), an instrument and method for HF component characterisation. Its unique capability is the accurate measurement of the voltage and current waveforms at the ports of any component under realistic high-frequency stimuli, going from simple to complex signals, even in non-50 Ohm environments.
With the MT4463C, the new generation of LSNA, NMDG offers services to reveal, up to 20 GHz, the complete nonlinear behaviour of diodes, transistors, (power) amplifiers, mixers, (de)modulators and fast switching components. This information is directly usable in simulators. Due to its completeness, it is the best tool for certifying model libraries. As part of the service an intuitive and accurate measurement – based behavioural model for non-50 Ohm environments – can also be delivered.
To extend existing measurement setups (high frequency oscilloscopes, vector signal analysers, etc.) characterising, modeling and testing nonlinear behaviour with the most advanced techniques, NMDG offers consulting, including software and add-on hardware, based on its expertise in LSNA technology.