Table 4 compares SIW CBMSA performance with the prior work.33,42,27,25,43 Comparable performance with better efficiency, ηRE greater than 93.9 percent and FBW of 22 is shown. Figure 14 plots the measured co- and cross-polarized normalized radiation patterns in the array environment over the band, in the φ = 0- and 90-degree planes. A HPBW greater than 90 and 100 degrees in the two planes with cross-polarization less than 23 dB at boresight and better than 12 dB at extreme scan angles is demonstrated (see Table 3). The ripple level in the gain plots is less than ±0.5 dB.

Figure 14

Figure 14 Measured co- and cross-polarization radiation patterns vs. θ at 3.0, 3.3 and 3.5 GHz with φ = 0 (a) and 90 (b) degrees.

Figure 15

Figure 15 Measured radiation pattern of the 64-element, uniformly fed array at center frequency.

Figure 15 shows the measured radiation pattern of a 64-element, uniformly fed array scanned to 0- and 45-degree angles. Ge decreases 1.15 dB from the peak value of 17.6 dBi at 0 degrees with no visible GLs, validating wide scan performance.


A simple design strategy based on TCM to design a broadband, broad beamwidth SIW CBMSA is presented. TCM provides insight into propagating CMs and shows that the choice of CM propagation in the constituent parts of the antenna helps achieve broadband performance. The resultant antenna design is validated in a 64-element array environment. The fabricated antenna’s measured performance agrees with the simulation and shows broad bandwidth and broad beamwidth. The results complement the existing literature and show promising applications to phased array antennas for various applications.


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