AWR Corp. <>, the innovation leader in high-frequency EDA, will exhibit within the RF and Wireless Pavilion on August 7-8 during NIWeek 2012 <>, being held in Austin, Texas.
AWR Connected™ to National Instruments’ demonstrations will include:
- Behavioral Model Extraction: A Power Amplifier Example – This demonstration showcases a PXI system being used for power amplifier (PA) behavioral model extraction that also embraces AWR’s time delay neural network (TDNN) modeling within its Visual System Simulator™ (VSS) system design software.
- Signal Processing with VSS and LabVIEW: An 802.11ac Example - This demonstration shows the ability of VSS to call LabVIEW directly via a virtual instrument (VI) server interface such that additional/custom signal processing blocks are readily extended into the VSS environment.
- Design through Test: An Amplifier Example – This demonstration shows how an amplifier designer can easily move from the design stage through to test, with results validated between simulation and measurements along the way. In particular, Microwave Office™ software is highlighted as the tool used for circuit simulation, LabVIEW for signal processing and virtual control of hardware of NI's PXI instrumentation, and VSS for system-level simulation of the amplifier.
In addition to the exhibition floor demonstrations, NI will also be sharing how recent synergies at Texas Tech University have resulted in AWR and NI “Enabling Microwave Education and Biomedical Research through Integrated Solutions.” This talk, being given on Wednesday, August 8 at 10:30 a.m. in Ballroom F, will explore how a Texas Tech microwave engineering course challenged students to design, lay out, and simulate their tumor tracking radar system for lung cancer radiotherapy within the AWR Design Environment™. Students created a test bench for the system within NI LabVIEW and took measurements with the final prototype with NI PXI RF instruments.
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