Articles by Remcom


Ray-Optical Modeling of Wireless Coverage Enhancement Using Engineered Electromagnetic Surfaces: Experimental Verification at 28 GHz

Engineered electromagnetic surfaces (EES) are passive metasurfaces designed to artificially enhance wireless signal coverage. In this paper, propagation experiments are conducted to verify the accuracy of a novel ray-optical scattering model for EES. Wireless InSite’s implementation of the scattering model is presented along with measured and simulated propagation data for a large indoor office environment.

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Effects of Mobility on mmWave Beamforming in Dynamic, Urban Environments

In 5G and 6G, mmWaves bring the promise of new, high bandwidth frequency bands. Propagation losses and fast fading due to increasingly mobile devices and short wavelengths pose challenges for these new concepts. This paper explores the effectiveness of massive MIMO beamforming at mitigating mmWave propagation challenges using Wireless InSite and its mmWave hybrid beamformer capabilities to transmit data streams to a sedan driving in central Manhattan.

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Using Wireless InSite® for Engineered Electromagnetic Surface Modeling

Wireless InSite supports the simulation of RF interactions with engineered electromagnetic surfaces (EES). This allows modeling of passive metasurfaces designed to optimize wireless communication coverage by manipulating how signals propagate through a scene. This paper demonstrates how Wireless InSite simulates and analyzes the channel characteristics of EES in any environment, including indoor, outdoor, outdoor to indoor, and others.

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