Articles Tagged with ''automotive''

Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes lead in analysis of high speed CAN FD interface protocol

 With its R&S RTE and R&S RTO oscilloscopes, Rohde & Schwarz is one of the first suppliers to offer analysis solutions for the CAN flexible data (CAN FD) interface protocol. A new option enables design engineers to analyze CAN interfaces that support the high speed CAN FD bus protocol. These interfaces are seeing increased use in automotive and industry applications due to rising data rate requirements. 

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Rohde & Schwarz enables comprehensive automotive radar tests and signal analysis

When developing radar sensor chipsets, users can now use the new Rohde & Schwarz solution to simulate a realistic scenario in the lab. For example, it is possible to simulate vehicles with different moving profiles or stress tests in different environments. As a result, developers can verify the signal processing algorithms of the sensor at an early stage. 

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