Microwave History (People and Companies)

May Puzzler

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3 Popularized S-parameters with paper in 1965
4 Proved the existence of electromagnetic waves with spark gap
6 Discovered electromagnetic induction
7 Founded Sage Labs, Chair of 1967 Boston IMS, Distingished IEEE member
11 Developed noise figure theory
13 Invented CW voice transmitter
17 Missile system called the Scud Buster
18 First company to start commercial broadcasts
19 Simplified Maxwell’s equations, developed transmission line theory
21 Proposed waveguide in 1983
22 First to describe metal semiconductor junction behavior
23 Organization that developed the first RADAR system that helped the Allied Forces win WWII (3 words)
25 Developed FM radio, superheterodyne and regenerative circuits


1 Company that made the first cell phone in 1983
2 Predicted electromagnetic waves by developing equations to unify electricity and magnetism (and graces our cover this month)
5 Coined the term RADAR in 1935 (hyphenated name)
8 First casino to use RFID chips
9 TI employee co-credited with developing the first integrated circuit
10 Proposed patch antenna in 1953
12 Developed the microwave oven after melting a candy bar in his pocket
14 Credited with inventing the first radio
15 Developed single crystal grow method that is widely used to make semiconductor wafers
16 First to bounce radio waves off of moon as part of a Fort Monmouth project in 1946
20 Fairchild employee co-credited with developing the first integrated circuit
24 Company that developed CMOS in 1968


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