Swami Hindle's 2021 Predictions for the RF/Microwave Industry:

  1. 5G will be so amazing that we will not talk much about 6G anymore (for a while)
  2. AI and ML will dominate the conversation in high tech being implemented in marketing, data analysis, design software, financial models, manufacturing optimization and more
  3. Block chain technology will be used to secure most 5G and IoT wireless networks
  4. mmWave modules will be standard in most smartphones by year end
  5. The first autonomous taxis will hit the road
  6. The first commercial drone delivery service will start (for Pizza, I hope)
  7. Industry 4.0/industrial automation will be the most successful 5G service launched on private networks
  8. GaN will take over LDMOS in cellular infrastructure market with a larger market share
  9. Several new Quantum Computing records will be set as the race continues
  10. Innovative 3D packaging and heterogenous semiconductors will keep Moore’s Law a live
  11. Direct digital conversion front ends will start to impact traditional analog designs (some using AI to optimize the signals)
  12. COVID-19 will disappear, and people will start to forget how disruptive it was…

See what experts from Analog Devices predict Space and 5G/Communications markets on the next page!