OmniPreSense Corporation, an innovative supplier of short-range radar (SRR) sensors, announced an extension of its OPS243 radar sensors with support for an RS-232 interface. The RS-232 interface allows flexibility in the mounting position of the radar, critical for traffic monitoring applications. By adding RS-232 support the OPS243 radar can be mounted away from the control unit providing it with an ideal viewing angle to gather traffic data. 

The new RS-232 interface is available on both the OPS243-A Doppler radar sensor and OPS243-C 2D (Doppler & FMCW) radar sensor. The sensor can be mounted as far away as 15 m or 50 ft. from the control unit. This allows flexible placement on traffic lights over the street, farther up streetlights or buildings, optimizing the field of view for vehicle or people traffic. During the COVID pandemic, people traffic monitoring is becoming even more important to help ensure a safe 2 m or 6 ft. social distancing. 

The OPS243 sensors can detect people up to 20 m away and vehicles up to 100 m away. It has a tight 20˚ x 24˚ beam width and draws less than 1.9 W of power. The same simple API found on other OmniPreSense radar sensors is utilized. The sensors carry FCC/IC modular certification, lowering cost and reducing time to market.

“We continue to extend our radar sensor line-up to make them as flexible and easy to use as possible,” stated Rob Frizzell, CEO and co-founder of OmniPreSense. “We’re enabling Smart Cities which are more efficient, greener, and safer.”