In the project SMART-MODEL, The group of collaborators intends to create a single tool that unifies different measurement and modeling methodologies and improve device modeling of GaN structures. AMCAD declares that this tool which includes software and hardware will offer unrivaled capabilities that will let circuit designers accelerate their design flow, thanks to a perfect knowledge of the transistor behavior which is not currently possible. The team will include AMCAD Engineering, the University of Limoges (XLIM Laboratory), the University of Rouen (GPM Laboratory), III-V Lab, a private R&D organization jointly established by Nokia, Thales and the CEA, and United Monolithic Semiconductor (UMS), a main European GaN foundry.

The aim is to provide our industry with a modeling solution that will reduce the number of design-build-test iterations. The expected delivery of the final, unified modeling framework is 2023.

This project is supported financially by the interdepartmental fund jointly managed by BPI France as well as the ‘Nouvelle-Aquitaine’ and ‘Normandy’ regions. This project is supported by the Alpha-RLH competitiveness cluster, aiming at developing new Photonic and Microwave technologies.