Integrated Microwave Assembly
The model D6040-921 integrated microwave assembly is designed for use in an airborne radar warning receiver. The highly integrated unit covers a broad frequency range (C-band through Ku-band) and contains two bipolar VCOs, one push-pull VCO, three lowpass filters, one bandpass filter, four MMIC amplifiers and two SP2T PIN-diode switches. The assembly operates over a temperature range of –54° to +95°C and features active temperature stabilization utilizing floating modules for DC power conservation. The assembly features hermetically sealed subassemblies and is designed to full military requirements. Size: 5.7" x 3.6" x 1.7".
General Microwave Corp.,
Amityville, NY
(516) 226-8900.

Solid-state Ka-band Transmitter
This solid-state transmitter is designed for digital and analog FM video signals and data operating in the 25 to 31 GHz Ka-band. At 1 dB compression point (P1dB), standard output power is +30 dBm. (Higher power levels are available.) The unit is available in 1 to 4 W, internal power supply is 120/240 V AC and the power supply section is packaged in a 19" rack enclosure.
mm-Tech Inc.,
Eatontown, NJ
(908) 935-7150.

1450 - 1500 MHz Low Phase Noise VCO
The model PVL-1450 low phase noise VCO is designed for use in personal digital cellular ap-plications and asynchronous transfer mode radios. The VCO operates over a frequency range of 1450 to 1500 MHz with a low phase noise of –103 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz and –123 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz. The device has a 5 V supply voltage and operates over a temperature range of –40° to 85°C. Size: 0.500" x 0.500" x 0.205".
Princeton Electronic Systems Inc. (PES),
Princeton, NJ
(609) 275-6500.

2400 - 2500 MHz VCO
The model VCO191-2450U 3 V, low cost VCO operates over the frequency range from 2400 to 2500 MHz. Typical output power is –3 dBm and phase noise is –113 dBc/Hz (typ) at a 100 kHz offset. Size: 9.5 x 9.5 x 3.3 mm.
Vari-L Co. Inc.,
Denver, CO
(303) 576-5346.

Surface-mount OCXOs
The model OX-5000 oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) withstands infrared solder reflow temperatures up to 300°C for 3 s during circuit board fabrication, making the units suitable for use with a variety of infrared solder reflow procedures. Frequency stability over the temperature range from 0° to +60°C is within +/-0.1 ppm or better. Stability vs. +/-10 percent VCC variation is within +/-0.25 ppm. Stability vs. +/-10 percent load variation also is within +/-0.25 ppm. Long-term stability is better than +/-0.3 ppm/year. The unit operates from a single +5 V supply and outputs a CMOS square wave from 0.4 to 4 V. Rise and fall times are better than 10 ns. Size: 1.000" x 0.866" x 0.453". Price: $85 to $200 (1000). Delivery: 10 to 14 weeks (ARO).
Raltron Electronics Corp.,
Miami, FL
(305) 593-6033.