COMSOL Multiphysics 5.0
COMSOL Inc. released COMSOL Multiphysics® software version 5.0, featuring extensive product updates, three new add-on products and the new Application Builder. COMSOL users can now build applications for use by engineering and manufacturing departments, expanding accessibility to their expertise and cutting-edge simulation solutions. In addition, COMSOL® Server is a new product developed specifically for running applications built with the Application Builder. COMSOL Server enables the distribution of applications, allowing design teams, production departments and others to share applications throughout an organization using a Windows®-native client or other major web browser.
RF Assembly Calculator
The iPhone App ‘RF Tools’ from HUBER+SUHNER AG has been enhanced with the assembly calculator. This useful extension provides an easy comparison of up to three HUBER+SUHNER radio frequency cables and assemblies in different configurations and environments. It offers straight access to technical specifications such as insertion loss and power rating. RF specific values such as impedance, wavelength, return loss (VSWR) and signal delay can be easily calculated on an iPhone. This app is available for free in English and Chinese in the app store.
EMPIRE XPU is a 3D EM tool using finite difference time domain for antennas, RF and microwave circuits, EM chip design and more. The new version of EMPIRE features a completely redesigned graphical user interface with an updated arrangement of menus, navigation tree, toolbars and icons to ensure an intuitive simulation workflow. EMPIRE XPU is optimized to process huge amounts of imported CAD data, i.e., files larger than 2 GB, and can be imported in less than two minutes.
Compliance Test Software
Keysight Technologies introduced compliance test software for the latest Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) specification. The MHL 3 source compliance test software allows engineers to test their MHL 3 transmitters the same way they are tested at authorized MHL compliance test centers using Keysight Infiniium oscilloscopes. The MHL 3 specification offers a significant increase in bandwidth (up to 6 Gbps) and a new bidirectional, high speed communication path between the portable device and a display. Keysight’s software includes test suites for all previous versions of MHL, cable model and equalizer setup, user-defined mask setup, DUT automation control, saved waveform analysis, user comments for detailed test reports and calibration test suites.
Keysight Technologies Inc.
LabVIEW Communications
National Instruments introduced the LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite, which combines software defined radio (SDR) hardware with a comprehensive software design flow to help engineers prototype 5G systems. The LabVIEW Communications environment enables a design team to map an idea from algorithm to FPGA using a single high-level representation. It includes built-in application frameworks for Wi-Fi and LTE that enable wireless prototypers to focus on innovating specific components of existing standards rather than designing a new algorithm from scratch. LabVIEW Communications helps bridge the gap between the ongoing rollout of 4G and the to-be-determined 5G standards of the future.
National Instruments
Wavelength Calculator on ROG Mobile
The new wavelength calculator on the ROG Mobile app makes it easy for designers to calculate electrical length, phase delay and wavelength fractions when evaluating a high frequency circuit material with a specified dielectric constant (Dk). It also allows comparisons of two materials with different Dk values and displays differences in wavelength fractions as well as potential size reduction of circuit features. ROG Mobile is available for free download for Apple and Android devices.
Rogers Corp.