HMC-C046 passive I/Q Mixer module
The HMC-C046 is a passive I/Q Mixer module that provides 24 dB of image rejection, 42 dB of LO to RF port isolation and a consistent +23 dBm of input IP3 across the frequency range of 20 to 31GHz. This dual double balanced mixer module is carefully designed to ensure exceptional amplitude and phase balance while limiting the conversion loss to a nominal 10 dB. The HMC-C047 is designed to operate over the frequency range 30-38 GHz and delivers 17dB of Image rejection, 35 dB of LO to RF port isolation and +19 dBm of input IP3. Ideal for use as either image reject mixers or single sideband upconverters, the HMC-C046 and HMC-C047 require a nominal +17 dBm of LO power and are conveniently housed in a miniature RoHS-5 compliant hermetic modules featuring removable SMA connectors which allow direct connection of the I/O pins or even complete connector field replacement.