Engalco has released a new industry and markets report covering the following categories of connectorized microwave and millimeter-wave modules: broadband amplifiers, limiting amplifiers, low noise amplifiers, low phase-noise amplifiers, medium-power amplifiers, power amplifiers, CW-immune DLVAs, SDLVAs, "Other" DLVAs, frequency converters, frequency synthesizers and transceivers. "Amplifiers and Integrated Microwave Assemblies" (AIMA) provides comprehensive "free world" market forecast data for microwave electronic module products sold into in the electronic warfare (EW), radar, ground-based SATCOM and space-based SATCOM segments.
The report separates products and applications into microwave (0.5 to 18 GHz) and millimeter-wave (above 18 GHz). While microwave products always take the lion's share of all markets, those for millimeter-wave products are growing comparatively rapidly. This report indicates that the overall global total available market (TAM) amounted to just more than US $1.1 B in 2010 and will reach almost US $1.3 B in year 2016. The ground-based SATCOM segment leads both for microwave and millimeter-wave modules – the latter being strongly driven by the on-going K/Ka-Band developments requiring frequency converters and transceivers. Engalco's B-SAT1 report, released in summer 2011, covers these types of products in detail and includes highly granular geographic market data.
The pie chart shown clearly indicates the importance of broadband, power, medium power and low noise amplifiers (LNA). In fact, according to AIMA, the three largest microwave markets are occupied by broadband amplifiers, sub-30-W power amplifiers and frequency synthesizers. Each of these market segments is valued in the low hundreds of US million dollars for the 2010 base year. Major OEM players in this market include Elisra Electronic Systems, M/A-COM Technology Solutions, MITEQ and Tokyo Keiki. In the AIMAs report, the top 10 suppliers are identified and analyzed in terms of their market shares.