Industrial, Scientific and Medical Applications

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MWJ December Puzzler


5 BER (3 words)
9 Electric grid with two-way communication capability
to optimize energy consumption and delivery to the customer
(2 words)
10 Laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor
12 New type of light source that uses RF energy to ignite
the gas mixtures in an electrode-less bulb (2 words)
14 UWB (3 words)
16 Microscopy technique that combines the capabilities
of a VNA with the nanoscale spatial resolution and
angstrom-scale positioning of an atomic force microscope
(2 words)
17 Short for Atomic Force Microscopy
18 Input third-order intercept point
19 DUT (3 words)
20 Ability of a transistor to withstand “harsh” RF conditions
is a measure of what


1 A new __________ smart energy profile 2.0 is under
development, supporting IP-based addressing, re-defining
the layers above the MAC and PHY
2 A poorly matched load results in a high __________
3 Short for Radio Frequency Identification
4 Main competitor to RF solutions for smart grid applications
(3 words)
6 Systems installed to automate the reading of electric,
water and gas meters and to eliminate the need for humans
to manually record consumption data (3 words)
7 Widely used frequency band for current meter reading
applications (2 words)
8 Logical function that determines the current state of use
of a wireless medium and aids in avoidance of used channels
(3 words)
11 Microscopy that enables two-dimensional mapping of
the carrier density across different regions of a semiconductor
(2 words)
13 1 dB compression point
15 Process of varying the impedance seen by the output
of an active device to other than 50 ohms in order to measure
performance parameters (2 words)


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