Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announced new flexibility for customers interested in simulation acceleration. Design engineers and researchers working in all areas of microwave and RF device R&D are constantly striving to shorten simulation times and therefore development cycles. To meet these demands, CST is researching new technologies to improve simulation performance: both methodological and the latest hardware technology. Today CST offers a multitude of simulation acceleration options such as multi CPU processing, GPU processing, cluster computing and distributed computing to satisfy customer requirements. In order to secure customer investments as well as to facilitate the choice of the most effective acceleration solution for a given simulation model, CST is now introducing a token scheme, which enables the versatile access to as well as the combination of different simulation acceleration options.

“The reduction of simulation time is a continuous requirement in R&D departments,” said Martin Timm, Marketing Director, CST. “CST’s step to make all simulation acceleration options accessible by using a simple token scheme is hugely beneficial to our customers. Now customers can choose the appropriate acceleration flat-rate to access a flexible system capable of adapting to current and future acceleration requirements.”