Pat Hindle, MWJ Editor
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Pat Hindle is responsible for editorial content, article review and special industry reporting for Microwave Journal magazine and its web site in addition to social media and special digital projects. Prior to joining the Journal, Mr. Hindle held various technical and marketing positions throughout New England, including Marketing Communications Manager at M/A-COM (Tyco Electronics), Product/QA Manager at Alpha Industries (Skyworks), Program Manager at Raytheon and Project Manager/Quality Engineer at MIT. Mr. Hindle graduated from Northeastern University - Graduate School of Business Administration and holds a BS degree from Cornell University in Materials Science Engineering.

Ericsson Mobility Report 2021 Summary

5G Growing Faster Than Expected

November 30, 2021

The 10th Ericsson Mobility Report was just released and notes that Mobile networks carry almost 300 times more mobile data traffic than in 2011 when the 1st report was published. Key findings include:

  • There are more than 5.5 billion new smartphone subscriptions
  • 4G has grown from 9 million to a projected 4.7 billion subscriptions by the end of 2021
  • 5G will account for nearly half of all mobile subscriptions by 2027

The report looks back at the growth of mobile subscriptions and the accuracy of their projections over the years. In the early years, smartphone subscriptions were underestimated, and PC/tablet subscriptions were over estimated as they thought PCs would continue to grow faster but the market shifted over to smartphones. The growth rate of 5G subscriptions was underestimated as adoption was much faster than expected because they were basing it on 4G history.

Their new forecasts include:

  • By the end of 2021, there will be more than 660 million 5G subscriptions
  • By the end of 2021, 5G handsets account for 23 percent of global volumes
  • FWA will offer broadband to over 800 million people by 2027 (230 million connections)
  • Massive IoT will make up 51 percent of cellular IoT connections by 2027

By the end of 2027, 5G subscriptions are expected to reach 4.4 billion becoming the dominant mobile access technology with North America having the highest penetration rate of about 90%. The graph below shows the expected growth rates of each mobile technology. You can read the full report here.

Ericsson Mobility 2021

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