Silex, the leading pure-play foundry globally of MEMS, announces the first 12 in. wafer fab for pure-play MEMS manufacturing.

In the largest major update since the company introduced the world’s first pure-play MEMS foundry 8 in. wafer fab in 2008, the new wafer fab will enable wafer level and monolithic integration of 12 in. wafer-based CMOS and MEMS. The new fab will be located close to the existing site in Stockholm, Sweden.

The 12 in. wafer size will further increase volume production by providing additional efficiency for large die manufacturing, as the amount that can be fitted onto a 12 in. wafer scales far more than the corresponding area increase from 8 to 12 in.

Edvard Kälvesten, CEO and founder of Silex, commented, “The introduction of this new wafer size will vastly increase production capacity as we work to realize the innovations of the world’s leading MEMS innovators. At Silex, we pride ourselves on remaining at the cutting-edge of technological advancement, and the introduction of the 12 in. wafer processing capabilities will allow us to lead the field and remain the number-one pure-play MEMS foundry globally.”

Silex is the number-one choice for household-name tech giants, the world’s largest medical and industrial companies and revolutionary startups seeking utter precision, unmatched scalability and uncompromising confidentiality in the manufacture of their MEMS innovations. Being a pure-play MEMS foundry, Silex does not design products of its own; it rather specializes in realizing the inventions of the world’s MEMS visionaries.