Aiming to introduce 3D-printed waveguide filters to the space market, SWISSto12 and Maxar Technologies are collaborating on the development of narrowband and high power filters, according to the companies. The new complex filters will use waveguide cavity designs and geometries that can only be manufactured with 3D printing.

The example shown in the above photo uses 3D-printed triangular waveguides (patent pending) to create an ultra-compact and flat structure suited for cost-effective batch production. It enables lightweight, low loss, 1.5 percent bandwidth filter designs for applications from S- to Ku-Band.

Multiple engineering models for narrowband satellite applications at Ku-Band have been manufactured and tested, showing excellent RF performance and repeatability.

SWISSto12’s collaboration with Maxar will extend to other filter-related activities, such as designing harmonic filters, testing power handling and thermal performance and determining the secondary electron yield of 3D printed structures.

Previously, SWISSto12 has developed and commercialized broadband, low-power filter products for SATCOM user terminals.