Alcatel-Lucent has been named by China Telecom as one of its top three suppliers for the rollout of mobile ultra-broadband services across China as the operator introduces new technology to enhance performance as increasing numbers of consumers seek the extra speed, capacity and efficiency of LTE.

China Telecom – which currently has approximately 186 million mobile subscribers – is preparing to expand LTE services in both new and existing regions of China, following the award of full FDD-LTE licences by the Chinese Government, an expansion that will address exploding demand for high-performance data and video content.

As a result, Alcatel-Lucent has been selected by China Telecom to be one of its top three network suppliers, and will roll out its LTE mobile ultra-broadband access technology in 40 cities across 12 provinces, including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and Liaoning.

Under the contract Alcatel-Lucent will supply its 9926 eNodeB radio access network (RAN) portfolio and services during the first half of 2015. 9926 eNodeB technology comprises a digital baseband unit and radio frequency platform that allow operators to better utilize their spectrum and smoothly manage coverage and capacity increases. Deployments are simplified and operators are equipped with new flexibilities that help them adapt to changing market demands more quickly.

Luis Martinez Amago, CEO of Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell (ASB), said, “This agreement with China Telecom highlights our leadership in LTE mobile ultra-broadband access technology. Demand for LTE is exploding in China, and with this rollout, we will help China Telecom launch services quickly and enable it to maintain its competitive position, offering its customers the ultra-fast broadband speeds and performance they are demanding.”