The Book End
Understanding Digital Signal Processing
Richard G. Lyons
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
517 pages; $55.90
Digital signal processing (DSP) provides the basis for most modern signal analysis and communications. This book breaks down the DSP mystery and provides easy-to-follow explanations and illustrations to help the reader understand the topic.
The book begins by introducing the concept of discrete signal sequences and how they relate to continuous signals. The concept of periodic sampling is introduced, along with simple examples involving lowpass and bandpass sampling. The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is explained in the next chapter with examples showing the DFT of real and complex sinusoidal signals. A description of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) is provided, outlining the significant processing advantages gained by using FFT and demonstrating various FFT implementation structures.
Examples of digital filtering are presented using a simple lowpass finite-duration impulse response (FIR) filter. Methods used to convert lowpass FIR filter designs to bandpass and highpass digital filters are discussed and the Remez Exchange FIR filter design technique is described. A second class of digital filters, infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, are introduced and several methods for designing IIR filters are discussed. The powerful z-transform DSP analysis tool is described and properties of the Laplace transform are reviewed. Two important advanced sampling techniques in DSP are presented, including quadrature sampling and digital resampling.
Signal averaging is detailed, including how to predict the processing gain associated with averaging signals in both the frequency and time domains. An introduction to the various binary number formats used in modern DSP is provided. The final chapter discusses methods used to make DSP algorithms more efficient.
Engineers struggling to gain an understanding of DSP techniques and how they relate to traditional RF/microwave design and analysis will find this book particularly enlightening. The subject is explained in clear and simple terms without heavy mathematical equations and unfamiliar terminology.
To order this book, contact:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.,
1 Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867
(781) 944-3700 or (800) 822-6339.
Introduction to Lightwave Communications Systems
R. Papannareddy
Artech House Inc.
246 pages; $72, £58
In recent years, lightwave communication systems (also known as optical fiber communication systems) have become a significant component of commercial communications technology. This book updates the coverage of lightwave technologies and emphasizes recent developments in those technologies.
The book begins with a study of lightwave communication system evolution, beginning with the invention of the light-emitting diode (LED), GaAs laser and first practical optical fiber. A system overview is presented. Chapter 2 covers optoelectronic devices and components involved in the generation, transmission and processing of lightwave signals. Chapter 3 describes optical amplifiers, including semiconductor laser and doped-fiber amplifiers.
Chapter 4 analyzes direct detection lightwave systems and discusses the theory and design of direct detection digital optical receivers. Field trials and experiments are outlined and their performance degradation issues are discussed. Chapter 5 details coherent detection systems and provides a comparison to direct detection systems. Soliton lightwave systems are presented in Chapter 6. The development of a single-channel soliton lightwave system is discussed with an emphasis on the principles of soliton wave propagation, amplification, system design and performance degradation issues. Chapter 7 describes optoelectronic ICs, involving the integration of electronic and optical devices, and optical interconnects. The final chapter covers multichannel lightwave systems involving four main techniques for multiplexing, including optical time-division, optical frequency-division, subcarrier and optical code-division multiplexing techniques.
Although the book is intended primarily for senior-level undergraduate students, it also serves as a text for graduate-level students and as a quick reference text for practicing engineers and researchers. The extensive lists of references makes this book an invaluable addition to any technical library.
To order this book, contact:
Artech House Inc.,
685 Canton St., Norwood, MA 02062
(781) 769-9750, ext. 4002; or
Portland House, Stag Place, London SW1E 5XA, UK
+44 (0) 171 973 8077.