Featured White Papers

Improving T/R Module Test Accuracy and Throughput

This white paper provides an overview of the basic building blocks of a phased array system and discusses how the nature of their design leads to a challenging test environment. Real measurement configuration examples are shown to highlight the flexibility required for T/R module testing.

Time Domain Analysis with Copper Mountain Technoloiges Vector Network Analyzers (VNA)

In many applications it is necessary to make multiport measurements. The RNVNA links up to 16 1-Port analyzers together into a multiport network analysis system. Each of the 16 analyzers will make individual vector reflection measurements and scalar transmission measurements from port to port. In other words, S11, S22, S33 and so on will be complex measurements and S21, S31, S41 and so on will be scalar only measurements.

Jitter Analysis with the R&S®RTO Digital Oscilloscope

This application note introduces the Jitter analysis capabilities of the R&S® RTO Digital Oscilloscope and the Jitter option R&S®RTO-K12 for digital signals. It provides background information on jitter sources and standard jitter measurement tools. Furthermore it demonstrates Period jitter, Cycle jitter and Time Interval Error jitter measurements based on an application example. The benefits of different representations of the measurement results with histogram, track and spectrum display are discussed.

How to Mitigate Spectrum Challenges Associated with V2X

Wi-Fi and 5G are enablers of autonomous vehicles. The challenge lies in how these technologies work together and co-exist ¬without impacting vehicle operation and passenger safety. This paper discusses Wi-Fi and 5G, how they co-exist with selectivity filter solutions to enable vehicular communications and passenger safety.

The Rebirth of HF

HF stands for “high frequency” and is usually used to refer to signals with frequencies in the range of 3 MHz to 30 MHz, although in many cases the practical definition of HF has be extended down to frequencies as low as 1.5 MHz.

Radio Over Satellite Solutions

Communication requirements and channels have evolved drastically in the age of globalization and it has become imperative to enhance connectivity between organizations, world-wide teams, headquarters and employees on the field. Radio communications play an essential role in this, especially in public safety, fleet operations, mining and military applications.

Gate Drive Measurement Considerations

One of the primary purposes of a gate driver is to enable power switches to turn on and off faster, improving rise and fall times. Faster switching enables higher efficiency and higher power density, reducing losses in the power stage associated with high slew rates. However, as slew rates increase, so do measurement and characterization uncertainty.

edgeBoost™, bandBoost™ and coexBoost™ – Three Types of Wi-Fi Filters

These days, Wi-Fi designs often include filters, but why and what types serve what purpose? In this paper by Qorvo, learn why it is important to understand how the Wi-Fi use case determines the type of filter to use in order to improve the quality of data communications.

Minimize Measurement Uncertainty for EIRP OTA Measurements

The R&S®NRPM-A90(D) brings an unprecedented level of accuracy to absolute OTA measurements at an extremely reduced total cost of ownership. Furthermore, the detailed specifications enable you to determine the measurement uncertainty also for corner cases. Learn more in our material.

ATE Strategy For mmWave Mass Market Production

The automated test and measurement (ATE) landscape is rapidly changing, progressing beyond the capabilities of traditional bench-top and most legacy ATE systems. Varying and diverse performance requirements, testing speeds and frequencies used by modern cellular architectures (5G), Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, and the latest feature dense systems-on-chip/systems-inpackage (SoC/SiP) necessitate a different approach.