Judy Warner
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Judy Warner

Judy Warner is the western regional and RF/microwave market director of business development for Zentech Manufacturing, a contract manufacturer that offers fully integrated supply chain solutions for mil/aero, RF/microwave and medical markets. Zentech is based in Baltimore, MD near the high technology corridor of the Mid-Atlantic/Pentagon region. Judy has over 20 years of experience in the electronics industry, and has spent the past four years focused exclusively on RF and Microwave technology solutions. Judy also sits on the advisory board of eSurface technologies and contributes articles to a variety of microwave and electronic industry trade publications, including 3 years as a contributing guest blogger for Microwave Journal.

Countdown to IMS 2015

If you are a delegate or workshop attendee, IMS 2015 is just 4 short days away! For exhibitors, like us at Zentech Manufacturing, we have 6 days until the doors open to the exhibit hall. Either way, don't blink, because we are just days away from the world’s largest international gathering of RF and Microwave professionals in the world!
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“Making the Impossible Possible” at IMS2015

 For the better part of the last year, I have been watching, with great interest, a company and PCB technology that may be a real game-changer. In fact, I became such an enthusiastic fan of eSurface that they invited me to join their advisory board last summer. eSurface Technologieshas developed a chemistry that enables PCB manufacturers to deposit metal directly to an unclad substrate, as opposed to subtractive print and etch processing.  

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Fully. Integrated. Supply Chain. Solutions.

 Since I am a writer, as well as an electronics professional, I have the quirky habit of really thinking about words. Which is why I started thinking about the commonly (if not overused) term Supply Chain Management recently. Having pushed off from the dock of my former narrow focus on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) fabrication--particularly those of the RF and Microwave variety--I now find myself in the deeper and more complex waters of Contract Manufacturing. 

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RF/Microwave design….and All That Jazz

Hands down, the number one reason I have enjoyed working in and around the RF industry for the past several years has been the intelligent, interesting and colorful people I have come to know. Strangely enough, many of those relationships began on Linked In. Last fall, I connected with an RF/MW designer via Linked In that appeared to share some common area of interests. 

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SMT Automation: Saving Private Ryan

A few weeks ago I spent a week in Baltimore Maryland at Zentech Manufacturing, my new employer and professional “home.”  Zentech is a rising star among North American contract manufacturers that has captured the heart and loyalty of the DoD, DARPA and an impressive host of major Mil/Aero contractors in the high-technology corridor of Northern Virginia, Baltimore and Washington DC. As you might imagine, many of these applications are RF/Microwave based.

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Moving Day

Professional transitions are inevitable.  Even so, I was startled when Opportunity came knocking at my door recently nudging me to move on to new territory. For over 4 years I have enjoyed the grand adventure of working for Transline Technology and becoming immersed in the world of RF/Microwave PCBs. Now I am moving on.

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PCBs: Making the Impossible Possible

When Subtracting Doesn’t Add up

 Unlike other areas of advancing technology, PCB manufacturing isn’t very “sexy.” It doesn’t begin to compare with the innovation-per-minute, adrenaline pumping pace that semiconductor companies keep. PCB processes are fairly static. Outside of incremental advances in chemistry, photolithography or the advent of things like laser drilling, we pretty much rely on well-founded, albeit old, technology. What progress we have made, has enabled us to barely keep-up with the driving forces of miniaturization and speed. PCB technology has not enjoyed any fundamental, game-changing innovation for decades. In other words, we have risen to meet industry demands by improving the existing subtractive (print-and-etch) processes that is unfortunately fraught with inherent limitations—especially for high performance boards. 

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Unpacking My IMS 2014

 If you were fortunate enough to attend IMS 2014 in Tampa, I hope the packing guidelines in my last post were helpful. But, whether you made or not, I thought you might enjoy nosing through my metaphorical “backpack,” once again, to see what memories and lessons I brought back from my whirlwind week to Florida. (Warning: This backpack is huge, untidy, and bulging at the seams!) 

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Packing your bag for IMS 2014

Not a single year of the MTT-IMS show goes by where I don’t feel completely inundated going in and overwhelmed coming out. It reminds me of feasting at a massive buffet in which I must pace myself, plan ahead and choose wisely.  The only thing that saves me is careful packing—and I don’t mean my toothbrush and dental floss!

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IMS 2014: The Not-So-Missing-Link

Well, it’s that time of year again, when many of us turn our attention toward the MTTS-IMS show. Besides all the technical sessions and New Product Introductions that many of us look forward to, the rare opportunity to see one another face-to-face is highly anticipated. Our mass convergence on Tampa this year will be no exception. While the Microwave universe is a comparatively small one, we are spread widely across the country and globe. For this reason, we eagerly await the chance to meet up at the IMS show year after year.

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