RF & Microwave Industry News

ORC Puts RFI to the Test in Japan

To strengthen its program to provide support for current and next generation wireless products, Japan's largest instrument rental company, ORIX Rentec Corp. (ORC), has enlisted the expertise of Radio Frequency Investigation Ltd (RFI). At the ORC test facility in Tokyo wireless conformance services are being introduced, and RFI has...
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An Enhanced 3D-TLM Solver

The main criterion when an EM engineer uses modeling and design packages is that it should enable him to meet his daily challenges of designing new products that work in their intended environment. This is now becoming a reality with the advent of the Micro-stripes Version 6.1 3D-EM modeling...
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Enterprise Software for RF Device Characterization

In today's competitive marketplace the characterization of RF semiconductor devices for modeling, design, applications and process improvement must be faster, more efficient, and more repeatable and accurate as companies strive to improve their product performance, design productivity and time to market. However, help is on hand with the Wavevue...
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Software for Creation of Custom Radar Pulse Patterns

Creating single-emitter pulse patterns for testing radar receivers is a complex, time-consuming process because of the extensive mathematics required, whether creating the initial waveform, modifying any of its characteristics such as pulse shaping and compression, or creating custom pulse patterns. A comprehensive software application called Signal Studio for Pulse...
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Ultra Linear Bandpass Filters

A new product line of ultra linear bandpass filters has been introduced that utilize patent pending cross coupling to reduce time delay and phase distortion up to 90 percent. The filters typically utilize a 12-section filter with two inductive and two capacitive non-adjacent couplings to equalize and flatten the...
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