ETSI's newly-published European Standard for Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) has been declared a European 'Community Specification' as a consequence of being listed in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). It is the first standard from a European Standards Organisation to be listed as a Community Specification and provides essential requirements in support of the Single European Sky Interoperability Regulation for Air Traffic Management.

This specification (EN 303 212), one of a series being developed in support of the European Union initiative to enhance the capacity and safety of European airspace, is a significant first step towards achieving the goals of the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) initiative: a three-fold increase in capacity with a safety performance improvement by a factor of 10, a 10 percent reduction in environmental impact and a 50 percent reduction in costs.

Under the terms of the European Commission's Interoperability Regulation 552/2004 (amended by Regulation 1070/2009) for the Single European Sky, systems, procedures and constituents that meet this Community Specification are presumed to be compliant with the essential requirements of the regulation and the relevant implementing rules. The publication of this European Standard, and its reference in the OJEU as a Community Specification, will therefore facilitate the deployment of the A-CDM concept in Europe's airports.

The Single European Sky legislation is based on a framework of four regulations, the Interoperability Regulation being one of them. The objective of the regulation is to ensure interoperability of the European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN), consistent with air navigation services.