Microsemi Corp., a manufacturer of high performance analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and high reliability semiconductors, is displaying its latest microwave and RF power products and wireless LAN power amplifiers at the 2007 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and Exhibition.

Among the new products to be featured:
-- More powerful 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN power amplifiers
-- Breakthrough high volume GigaMite™ RF PIN diodes for WLAN, WiMAX
-- High power, high performance radar/avionics transistors and modules
Visitors to the Microsemi exhibit will have an opportunity to learn about the company's latest InGaP HBT power amplifiers, including the LX5535™, LX5514™ and LX5530™ amplifiers used in 802.11a/b/g/n wireless LAN applications. The LX5535 is now the most powerful in Microsemi’s amplifier portfolio.
Attendees will learn about Microsemi's new GigaMite surface-mount packaging of RF PIN diodes for high volume commercial applications including WLAN and WiMAX, and its PIN diodes for "In Bore" surface coil magnetic resonance applications that provide the industry's lowest magnetic distortion for enhanced accuracy of MRI diagnosis.
Equally featured are high power plug-and-play RF modules designed to speed L-band and S-band radar systems into production while improving performance and reducing system cost, and Microsemi’s latest RF MOSFET drivers including the DRF1300 integrated power solution.
"The MTT-S Symposium is a significant place for Microsemi to display RF/microwave products that serve the needs of a wide range of markets," said Steven G. Litchfield, executive vice president and president of Microsemi’s Analog Mixed Signal Group. “We can show high voltage/high power transistors and modules for radar, specialized PIN diodes for MRI medical diagnosis and power amplifiers for wireless LAN applications, to mention just three.”