RF and Microwave Circuit Design: Theory and Applications
By Charles E. Free and Colin S. Aitchison

RF and Microwave Circuit Design is a textbook that truly stands out for anyone delving into the realm of microwave engineering or working as a practicing professional. It’s more than just a book; it’s a comprehensive guide that is exceptionally useful for teaching senior-level undergraduate or first-year graduate courses in microwave engineering circuits and systems.

One of the standout features of this book is its unwavering focus on microwave circuit design without becoming entangled in the complexities of electromagnetic theory. The book provides a thorough treatment of microwave engineering topics, covering everything from transmission lines to modern microwave measurements, making it a well-rounded resource.

The derivation of the Smith Chart is explained with utmost clarity in Chapter 1. The inclusion of several practical examples demonstrating the use of the Smith Chart cements its importance as a teaching tool. This book is a goldmine for educators, enabling them to offer practical insights to their students. It not only explains concepts but also challenges learners to apply their knowledge.

For those working in planar circuit design, this book is a treasure trove. Its practical orientation makes it an ideal resource for engineers and students looking to excel in the field of microwave circuit design. I found the chapter dedicated to modern microwave measurements to be excellent. It covers microwave connectors, probes and VNAs, making it an indispensable guide for students and professionals engaged in microwave measurements. The book does an excellent job covering all common microwave components including amplifiers, filters, circulators, control circuits and oscillators. Many aspects of microwave receiver design are also covered in the final chapter.

When evaluating a textbook for the purposes of a microwave engineering course, it must be compared to David Pozar’s Microwave Engineering. I find that RF and Microwave Circuit Design leans toward a more practical approach. It’s grounded in the requirements of making a successful modern-day microwave engineer and includes additional topics highly relevant to contemporary microwave engineering practice.

In conclusion, RF and Microwave Circuit Design is a gem for educators, students and professionals in microwave engineering. It comes highly recommended for teaching senior-level undergraduates and first-year graduate students, offering a practical perspective that’s hard to find in other textbooks. The companion website with teaching slides is the cherry on top.

Reviewed by: Michael Roberg
ISBN 13: 978-1-119-11463-5
528 pages

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Wiley (September 2021)