Carl Sheffres

We kick off 2024 with our traditional “Radar and Antennas” issue, with a cover feature titled: “The Role of RFoF in an Autonomous Military Future,” provided by Optical Zonu. Articles by IMST, Mitron, Imec, Analog Devices, ANTENNEX B.V. and others provide expert insights in a variety of technical topics. The editors have some excellent content lined up for this year in print, digital and online formats, so stay tuned.

You may have seen our recent 5G Special Focus eBook. This eBook, part of the November 2023 5G/6G and IoT issue, focuses on 5G. This new feature transitions select content from the print/digital issue to an eBook format, providing targeted content for readers and lead generation for advertisers. We will be showcasing this new feature with “Special Focus” sections in March (Cables & Connectors), May (5G/6G), August (mmWave Technology) and November (IoT).

The popular MWJ “Online Panel Series” continues this year with four select topics, beginning on March 26 with a panel titled: “Will Flat Panel Beamsteering Arrays Meet the SATCOM Challenge?” Watch for additional panel sessions in June, September and November.

The Frequency Matters video series continues to bring bi-monthly industry updates, interviews and new product launches to a growing audience. If you haven’t caught an episode yet, I highly recommend it. For podcast enthusiasts, the “B&S on Aerospace and Defense” podcast featuring Bryan Goldstein of Analog Devices and Sean Darcy of Infineon is a must listen.

EDI CON Online continues to inform and educate thousands of professionals with a combination of keynotes, technical presentations and workshops. We have spread the tracks throughout the year for easier consumption. Our EDI CON Educational Days in 2024: “PCB/Interconnect/EMC-EMI” track will take place on April 10, the “5G-6G/Wi-Fi/IoT” track is May 22, the “Signal Integrity/Power Integrity” is on August 21 and the “Radar/Automotive/SATCOM” track is October 23. In a recent survey of attendees, 97% said that they would attend EDI CON Online sessions again and 97% would recommend the event to friends or colleagues. You can even earn IEEE Continuing Education credits for free by attending.

Speaking of events, we will be exhibiting at or attending numerous in-person events again this year. We start with DesignCon at the end of this month in Santa Clara, Calif., followed by Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February and SATELLITE in Washington, DC, in March. IMS also takes place in Washington, DC, this June. This is the year to exhibit if your company has not yet signed on. The IEEE EMC & SIPI event visits Phoenix this summer, followed by European Microwave Week in September. EuMW returns to Paris, always a good venue for business and pleasure. I found this past EuMW in Berlin to be most productive. Find us this fall at AMTA in October and AOC in December.

I have recently returned from AOC as of this writing. It was so nice to catch up with old friends and colleagues. It reminds me why live events are so important for networking and establishing new relationships. We have such a tightknit community that these events sometimes feel like a big family reunion, and I look forward to seeing many of you in the year ahead.

In the meantime, please take a few minutes to renew your subscription to Microwave Journal if you haven’t done so recently. It saves us from hounding you and hopefully brings you value each month.

Wishing all of our readers a healthy and happy New Year.