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Katerina is a Senior Antenna Engineer at Kaelus, that provides next generation Antenna, RF Conditioning and PIM Test & Measurement solutions. In 2022 Katerina was awarded as Simulia Champion. She is technical blog writer and EM-simulation expert.

5 Biggest Myths and Misconceptions About 5G

August 28, 2023

Myth 1: 5G poses a health risk

Health concerns have been raised regarding exposure to 5G radio waves, but several reputable health authorities across Europe, including the European Commission, have confirmed that the new 5G frequencies fall well below established safety thresholds.

Myth 2: 5G accelerated the spread of viruses (incl. Covid)

There has been a viral conspiracy theory suggesting a link between 5G and the spread of Covid-19. However, it's crucial to clarify that there is no scientific evidence supporting this claim. The World Health Organization has emphasized that the virus spreads regardless of the presence of a 5G network, as many affected countries simply lack such infrastructure.

Myth 3: 5G will replace Wi-Fi

5G and Wi-Fi will seamlessly coexist to provide the user with constant coverage. Wi-Fi works better indoors, while 5G - outdoors.

Myth 4: 5G uses more energy than previous generations

Contrary to popular belief, 5G is designed with energy efficiency in mind. 5G antennas operate on-demand, transmitting data only when necessary, which significantly reduces energy consumption. In fact, 5G antennas already consume half the energy per GB transported compared to 4G, and this efficiency will improve even further with widespread deployment.

Myth 5: 5G will start an era of Big Brother

While 5G connectivity does introduce new cybersecurity challenges, it's important to note that telecom operators are bound by standards such as confidentiality and GDPR.

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