Designing BUC/SSPAs for Airborne Applications

As we witness the evolution of integrated communication, we also observe the increased number of requirements for airborne microwave transmission, ranging from satellite to air-to-ground CDL band communications. Airborne applications introduce many challenging design constraints including increased temperature ranges, thermal management, vibration and shock, EMC/EMI, power requirements, and safety, all while maintaining portability as a key factor.

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Designing BUC/SSPAs for Airborne Applications

As we witness the evolution of integrated communication, we also observe the increased number of requirements for airborne microwave transmission, ranging from satellite to air-to-ground CDL band communications. Airborne applications introduce many challenging design constraints including increased temperature ranges, thermal management, vibration and shock, EMC/EMI, power requirements, and safety, all while maintaining portability as a key factor.

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Radio Over Satellite Solutions

Communication requirements and channels have evolved drastically in the age of globalization and it has become imperative to enhance connectivity between organizations, world-wide teams, headquarters and employees on the field. Radio communications play an essential role in this, especially in public safety, fleet operations, mining and military applications.

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