COMSOL Calls for Papers: Conference 2011 Boston
BURLINGTON, MA - February 25, 2011 — COMSOL, Inc., is pleased to announce that it will hold its seventh annual conference on multiphysics modeling and simulationOctober 13-15at the Boston Marriott Newton. Users of COMSOL Multiphysics® are invited to submit abstracts describing projects in which they have made achievements using simulation software.
Suggested, but not mandatory, topic areas for oral and poster presentations include:
• Acoustics and Vibrations
• Batteries and Fuel Cells
• Bioscience and Bioengineering
• Chemical Reaction Engineering
• Computational Fluid Dynamics
• Education
• Electrochemistry
• Geophysics
• Heat Transfer & Phase Change
• Electromagnetics
• MEMS & Piezoelectric Devices
• Microfluidics
• Multiphysics
• Nanotechnology
• Numerical Methods
• Optimization
• Optics, Photonics & Plasmonics
• Plasma Physics, EHD & MHD
• Porous Media Flow
• Quantum Mechanics
• RF & Microwaves
• Semiconductor Devices
• Sensors and Actuators
• Structural Mechanics
• Transport Phenomena
Abstracts should briefly summarize the individual or a group’s work using COMSOL Multiphysics, with particular focus on describing the problem, model set up, simulation results, and conclusions.
Abstract submissions will be reviewed by the Conference Program Committee. Committee members hail from well-known corporations and academic institutions. These include: Acumentrics Corporation, BAE Systems, BD Medical, Boston Scientific, Carnegie Mellon University, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inc, Dalhousie University, DuPont Engineering Research & Technology, GE Global Research Center, General Motors, Hypertherm Inc., Johnson Screens, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Naval Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, Physical Measurement Lab-NIST and Purdue University.
Authors of accepted paper or poster submissions will present their work at the conference. Additionally, final versions of the accepted papers or posters will become a permanent part of the conference proceedings which, in recent years, has been distributed to more than 100,000 engineers and scientists worldwide.
All presenters will benefit from the opportunity to become the winner of the Best Paper Award or Best Poster Award. Program Committee members vote and award prizes for the “Best Paper” while the “Best Poster” is chosen by popular vote among fellow Conference attendees.
Abstracts submitted by the early birddeadlineofJune 17thwill receive a reduced registration rate of $195. The finaldeadlinefor the submission of abstracts isAugust 1st. Interested parties should visit for complete details including important dates and guidelines for submitting and uploading abstracts.
For more information on theCOMSOL Conference 2011 Boston, visit