Radio-Frequency and Microwave Communication Circuits Analysis and Design, Second Edition

J Wiley Interscience
626 pages; $135
ISBN: 0-471-47873-3

Wireless technology continues to grow at a tremendous rate, with new applications still reported almost daily. The second edition of this book maintains the earlier approach of a basic course in electronic circuits. At the same time, a new chapter on electromagnetic fields has been added.

The book begins with an introduction to frequency bands, RF and microwave devices and applications in communications, radar, industrial and biomedical areas. Modern wireless communications systems, such as terrestrial and satellite communication systems and RF wireless services, are discussed in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 begins with a discussion of distributed circuits and the construction of a solution to the transmission line equation and ends with a description of the Smith chart and its application to the analysis of transmission line circuits. The fundamental laws of electromagnetic fields are introduced in Chapter 4, along with wave equations and uniform plane wave solutions. Resonant circuits are discussed in Chapter 5, beginning with series and parallel RLC circuits, followed by a section on transformer-coupled circuits. Chapters 6 and 7 deal with impedance-matching techniques, lumped-element, impedance transformers and tapers. Chapter 8 introduces circuit parameters associated with two-port networks. Chapter 9 begins with the image parameter method for the design of passive filter circuits and introduces descriptions of impedance and frequency scaling techniques to realize high pass, low pass, band pass and band stop networks. Concepts of signal flow-graph analysis are introduced in Chapter 10, along with a representation of voltage source and passive devices, which facilitates formulation of the power-gain relations that are needed in the amplifier design discussed in Chapter 11. Chapter 12 presents the basic concepts and design of various oscillator circuits, including the analysis of transistor oscillators using S-parameters. Chapter 13 includes the fundamentals of frequency-division multiplexing, amplitude modulation, radio frequency detection, frequency modulated signals and mixer circuits.

To order this book, contact: John Wiley & Sons Inc., One Wiley Drive, Somerset, NJ 08875 (800) 225-5945.

System-on-a-Chip: Design and Test

Artech House
290 pages; $93, £65
ISBN: 1-58053-107-5

The objective of this book is to provide an overview on the present state of design and testing technology for systems-on-a-chip (SoC) and capture their basic issues. General VLSI design and testing discussions are intentionally avoided and items described are specific to SoC. The book is organized into two self-contained parts: design and testing. As part of the introduction to Part 1, the background of SoC and definitions of associated terms are given. The introduction also contains a discussion of SoC design difficulties. Hardware-software codesign, design reuse and cores are the essential components of SoC; hence, in Chapter 2, these topics are discussed, from product definition to deliverable requirements and system integration points of view. Chapter 3 describes the advantages and issues associated with using large embedded memories on chip and the design of memory cores using memory compilers. Chapter 4 covers design validation at individual cores as well as at the SoC level. Chapter 5 gives examples of cores, core connectivity and SoC. A discussion on testing difficulties is given as part of the introduction to Part 2. One major component of SoC is digital logic cores; hence, in Chapter 6, test methodologies for embedded digital logic cores are described. In addition to logic cores, large memory blocks are another major component of SoC. Chapter 7 discusses the testing of embedded memories. Testing of embedded analog and mixed-signal circuits is discussed in Chapter 8. Iddq testing has continuously drawn attention. Besides the discussion on technology-related issues, Iddq testing on SoC has some other unique issues, which are discussed in Chapter 9. A number of other topics that are important for SoC testing are related to its manufacturing environment and production testing of SoC. Discussion on these topics takes place in Chapter 10. Concluding remarks are given in Chapter 11.

To order this book, contact: Artech House, 685 Canton St., Norwood, MA 02062 (781) 769-9750 ext. 4030; or 46 Gillingham St., London SW1V 1HH UK +44 (0) 207-8750.