DataPath Inc., a provider of satellite and wireless communications networks around the world, has been awarded $11.5 M to provide field services for a critical network of DataPath Deployable Ku-band Earth Terminals in the US Central Command (CENTCOM) area of responsibility. These DKET systems are built and installed by DataPath and used by the US military as critical satellite communications hubs that deliver high-bandwidth capabilities on the battlefield.

Program Manager WIN-T's Commercial SATCOM Terminal Program at the US Army Communications-Electronics Command in Fort Monmouth, NJ made the $11.5 M in awards through the Worldwide Satellite Systems contract. The awards are options on a previously announced contract that has a potential value of more than $50 M with all options exercised over multiple years. Under the latest agreements, more than 80 DataPath field service representatives will provide operations and maintenance services on more than 30 DKET systems during the next year.

"DataPath's technical experts have been out in the field supporting the DKET program since it was established, and they continue today to work with great pride and dedication," said Steve Lindeman, vice president and general manager of DataPath's Integrated Systems and Services division. "Their efforts and expertise are one of our company's core competencies, and their focus on the DKET program remains a top priority."

DataPath has more than 170 personnel supporting the US military in 60 locations and nine countries. In addition to the DKET network, they specialize in designing, installing and managing other critical communications networks for programs such as the US Army's Joint Network Node/WIN-T program and the US Marine Corps' Support Wide Area Network program.