Agilent Technologies Inc. announced that it plans to maintain membership in the PXI Systems Alliance to support the customers of two recent acquisitions, Acqiris and PXIT. Acqiris and PXIT are members of the Alliance.

"This does not alter our direction and commitment to LXI," said Scott Sampl, vice president and LXI spokesperson for Agilent's Electronic Measurements Group.

"Rather, it is imperative that we ensure the current success of PXIT and Acqiris customers and solutions, while managing the LXI vision going forward and strengthening the Agilent portfolio."

Managers across many industries face similar issues: narrower launch windows, reduced staffing, dwindling software expertise, smaller development budgets and outsourced (or offshore) manufacturing. Most are looking for the same solution: a more cost-effective way to create test systems. The benefits of LXI make it a compelling architecture for present and future test systems.

The vision behind LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation (LXI) is to integrate test-system architecture based on proven, widely used standards such as Ethernet. By specifying the interaction of those standards, LXI enables fast, efficient and cost-effective creation and reconfiguration of test systems.

Through the combined capabilities of Agilent Open and LXI, Agilent can help system developers open the door to simplified system creation and go beyond GPIB, PXI and VXI.