
Z-Communications has broadened its portfolio of fixed frequency, phase-locked oscillators (PLO) with a complete 16 GHz phase-locked solution. The RFS16000C-LF has a nominal output power of −7 dBm into 50 Ω and uses a ceramic resonator to deliver unmatched spectral purity of −82 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset and −114 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset.

The internal VCO is phase-locked at 4 GHz, then multiplied to produce the 16 GHz output. The PLO includes a highly stable, 10 MHz temperature compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO), eliminating the need for an external reference for locking, and the loop bandwidth of 5 kHz minimizes concerns about microphonics. The RFS16000C-LF includes internal filtering to reduce harmonic and non-harmonic signals to better than −25 dBc, while providing a reference suppression of −65 dBc.

This low noise oscillator is biased with +5 and +3.3 V, typically drawing 95 mA and 15 mA, respectively. The PLO is available in a surface-mount package measuring 1 in. x 1 in. x 0.22 in. and operates over the industrial temperature range from −40°C to +85°C.

With the internal pre-programmed microcontroller deriving the 16 GHz output and an overall frequency stability of ±10 ppm, the PLO is simple to integrate, a benefit for any design engineer looking for a quick, plug-and-play solution. The RFS16000C-LF is an excellent choice for SATCOM, radar systems and other applications requiring a low-cost, high frequency solution. Produced in the U.S., all Z-Communications products are either available in stock or within a six week lead time.

Z-Communications Inc.
Boulder, Colo.