Smiths Interconnect’s TRAK Microwave brand’s compact, frequency and time reference module (C-FTRM) has been designed to be among the smallest in its category of tactical frequency and time reference devices. Model T001008is a 2.40” x 2.66” module which includes a 50-channel GPS receiver, a low g-sensitivity double-oven crystal oscillator, and time and frequency generation circuitry. It provides reference outputs of 10 MHz, 1 PPS, and time of day (TOD).

This device provides fast time-to-lock of <10 minutes from power-up. While tracking GPS, a proprietary discipline algorithm maintains time synchronization to better than ±100 ns to UTC. In the absence of a GPS reference, the holdover mode provides an accumulated time drift of less than 10 µs in 24 hours after being synchronized to GPS for four hours. Control, Status and Time of Day information are available through an RS-232 interface.

The ruggedized design and construction of this device is well suited for vehicle and manpack radios, Satcom-On-The-Move (SOTM) terminals, UAV data links and other platforms operating in harsh environmental conditions.

More information visit: www.trak.com.

You may also call 888-901-7200 or email sales@trak.com

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