S-band Airborne Command Control Receiver
The model RCC-223-SYN airborne command control receiver is a dual-conversion super-heterodyne UHF unit capable of operating in S-band with a 200 MHz tuning range in 1 MHz steps. The receiver features locally selectable dual IF bandwidths. Tuning is accomplished via remote BCD code or local thumb-wheel switch. The receiver’s performance specifications meet the requirements of the majority of airborne telemetry and command control applications, but several modifications can be accommodated and additional features incorporated to meet specific customer requirements. The unit is suitable for use in airborne environments found typically in data link applications for missiles, unmanned vehicles, target drones and aircraft. Additional features include a synthesized first LO (crystal locked), dual conversion, an RF preamplifier for a low noise figure of 6 dB (max), low power consumption and +/-0.003 percent frequency stability over an operating temperature range of –30° to +70°C. The receiver operates on an input voltage of 24 to 26 V DC with an input current of 420 mA (max). The unit is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 and MIL-Q-9858A.
Aydin Telemetry, a division of Aydin Corp.,
Newtown, PA
(215) 968-4271.