David Blackham

Welcome to the 85th Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG) Microwave Measurement Conference being held at the Phoenix Hyatt Regency Hotel on Friday, May 22, 2015. The Friday conference schedule includes two invited talks. In the morning session Kate Remley of NIST will present a talk entitled “Measurements for Millimeter Wave 5G Wireless Systems: Increased Frequency, Increased Bandwidth, Increased Calibration.” In the afternoon Moray Rumney will present “5G Measurement Challenges.” The program contains 14 additional talks and 16 interactive forum papers in areas of current measurement interest. The interactive forum is co-located with the vendor exhibits over extended breaks allowing much more space for interaction.

The contributed conference papers range from practical methods and techniques to cutting edge research on measurement technology. Topics will include nonlinear measurement systems, calibration issues, 5G measurement issues, and other areas of RF and microwave measurement.

Your ARFTG conference registration also includes access to the Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer (NVNA) Users’ Forum and a one year membership in ARFTG. The NVNA Users’ Forum is an informal discussion group devoted to sharing information and issues related to instrumentation utilized in vector large-signal analysis of microwave circuits and systems. This event is open to all ARFTG, IMS and RFIC attendees.

Consider also registering for the ARFTG co-sponsored workshop: “Direct Extraction of FET Circuit Models from Microwave and Baseband Large-Signal Measurements for Model-Based Microwave Power Amplifier Design.” This is a full day workshop scheduled for Monday, May 18, 2015.

No better opportunity is available to interact with vendors, experts and colleagues in the RF and microwave test and measurement community. Ask questions, propose collaboration or simply learn from the experiences being discussed. ARFTG’s two annual conferences are well-known for this unique opportunity and welcoming environment. Starting with breakfast and continuing through the exhibition interactive forum and luncheon, there will be ample opportunity for discussion with others facing similar challenges. Attendees find that these interactions are often the best source of ideas and information for their current and future projects.

Full details of the technical program and of the conference are available at www.arftg.org. ARFTG conference registration is available through the IMS website at www.ims2015.org